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Too busy to date?


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I was seeing this girl for about a few years. After three dates, she decides to move back to New York, where her mom lives (I live in Ohio). We still kept in touch during that period. After a few months, she realizes that she hated New York and wanted to move back. So I let her move into my apartment.


Things were going great until the beginning of the year, when she got a job that was over 30 minutes away. Then she started spending the night at her sisters more often cause she says it was closer (google maps said my apartment was closer). She would spend the night a few times a week and made it seem like everything was fine but then about a month ago she decided to basically move in completely with her sister. She then started a summer job in landscaping. Every time we made plans since the new job, she would always forget we had plans and scheduled an interview or volunteering to work. She has been talking about going to school. One time I asked her if she wanted to go see a movie cause She said she was off but she rather watch a show at her sisters then go to a movie.


Then I asked if we were still dating and she said at the time she can't date me cause she said she was too busy. I asked if there was still a chance and she said "I don't know" and said I can look for other people to date and says I need to experience life (I'm 31, she's 36). I'm just wondering what everyone's opinion is


I did get her a heart necklace a few weeks before she told me about being too busy. She freaked out that I paid for it.

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You're setting yourself up for major heartbreak. You're no longer together, but you're treating her like your girlfriend. She's going to find someone else and leave you high and dry. The best thing you can do is tell her either you're together or apart, and if you're not together, then you can't talk anymore.

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Sad thing is she was the one a lot of time who said we should do something but then cancel or forget.


Like everyone else said. She used you as a stepping stone, which is what it sounds like from her behavior. Always set boundaries for yourself no matter how much you like someone (to some extent). The good part is, you know better now. You needed someone like her to come along to know what a bad thing looks like and you are wiser now. Plenty of fish in the sea my friend.

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Unfortunately it sounds like she used your place as a springboard out of NY back to her sisters. It sounds like she's been breaking up since she got there but failed to mention this even after moving out.


Go no contact and delete and block her. It seems she doesn't communicate well and somehow finally told you you were incompatible only when pressed. Take her advice and start dating other women.

After three dates. I let her move into my apartment. I asked if we were still dating and she said at the time she can't date me cause she said she was too busy. said I can look for other people to date and says I need to experience life
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