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Is she into me ?


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Me and this girl be texting / snap chatting for the past 3 weeks or so and she usually starts the first text of the day and it just goes on until we sleep. Does that mean she into me or she just wants to be friends? For sure she don't talk to me like one of her GF we just talk about our day as we go and funny stuff.


I'm not looking for a relationship that's honestly why I wanna know before I get elbow deep in and get myself into a sticky situation.

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If you are looking for a meaningful relationship, I suggest you spend some time with her. Getting to know her as a person, not just via texts/social media!


It's better to know if you have actual human contact with her. I say you ask her to go on a date/hang out. Texting/social media is a complete waste of time, hence, very easy for you to be friendzoned! Just saying.

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If you are looking for a meaningful relationship, I suggest you spend some time with her. Getting to know her as a person, not just via texts/social media!


It's better to know if you have actual human contact with her. I say you ask her to go on a date/hang out. Texting/social media is a complete waste of time, hence, very easy for you to be friendzoned! Just saying.


Um, he said he DIDN'T want a relationship lol I'm not sure OP, what's the context of you meeting this girl, how do you know her? If it was from a bar or dating site then I'd say she wants more than friendship but if you met her somewhere like school/work/social circles, not sure, might be just friendship? Do you catch up in person too or just talk online and by text?

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Ok start backing off and acting more like friends if you think she's more into this than you are.Start talking to and dating other girls.

Me and this girl be texting / snap chatting for the past 3 weeks.I'm not looking for a relationship that's honestly why I wanna know before I get elbow deep in and get myself into a sticky situation.
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First, you need to be truthful with yourself about what you want from this. Are you talking to her becuase you want a no-risk way for it to lead to more (FWB or whatever). People try this too much and it almost always leads to disappoinmtnet and wasted time due to thinking a friendship is more than it is. So if you are interested in more, then be honest and ask her on a real date. You'll get an answer either way quickly which eliminates the guessing games if you're circling in the hopes of more. If you truly want to be friends, then you also need to tell her that so she is on the same page.

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