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My ex girlfriend dumped me 3 weeks ago. She keeps blocking me and unblocking me

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My ex girlfriend of 2 months dumped me 3 weeks ago. The day after my b day actually lol. Anyhow she gave all these reasons why she can't be with me. Saying she's unhappy with herself and has a lot on her plate and doesn't want any added stress on top of her job. Then says she can't be with me cause of my job and that I have no goals lol. Which is hilarious cause she knows I have goals and knew what my job was before we were officially together. Any how she was rude and cold about everything when I was nothing but cordial and being decent about everything. I made a few mistakes during our time together. Nothing that she couldn't have talked to me about though. We moved very fast. We fell in love fast. We just had a bond together and instant chemistry and lots in common. I think us moving so fast added to the end if our relationship. She told me everything in her past has been fast and she didn't want that for us cause she cared about me yet it happend. Anyhow after she dumps me via txts she blocks me on all social media. Two weeks later she unblocks me. I haven't tried contacting her at all. Then a few days ago she follows me on instagram with her YouTube channel page. The next day as I'm on my way home she was on the other side of the street i was. I just walked and acted as if I didn't see her. A few hours later she blocks me again. Then last night she blocks me on everything again. She unblocks me on fb a few mins later lol. Then unblocks me from her personal instagram page this morning. I don't understand why she's doing all this. She broke up with me. Yes I love her and care for her and would like to work things out but I feel like she should be the one to contact me. I did nothing but treat her right. I also want to contact her but I don't know if I should. Any thoughts?

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Sorry to hear this, it sounds maddening. However at only 2 mos of dating it's better to cut your losses. Agree too much too soon can crash and burn .


Unfortunately it sounds like she gave you the standard 'stress, busy, it's me not you' shtick . Excellent you are no contact. Head her off at the pass and delete and block her from everything. Who need head games and breadcrumbs?

she dumps me via txts she blocks me on all social media. a few days ago she follows me on instagram with her YouTube channel page. last night she blocks me on everything again. She unblocks me on fb a few mins later
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I know it's hard, but you should block her from everything so you don't notice these things. Then you can regain your strength. Plan on moving forward. Don't worry, if she ever really wanted back into your life, she will go out of her way to get through to you. But never forget that she dropped you at the drop of a hat and you have proof that she would do it again. Demand better in life. You deserve the best.

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I know it's hard, but you should block her from everything so you don't notice these things. Then you can regain your strength. Plan on moving forward. Don't worry, if she ever really wanted back into your life, she will go out of her way to get through to you. But never forget that she dropped you at the drop of a hat and you have proof that she would do it again. Demand better in life. You deserve the best.


Thank you. She has depression issues and is one else of those people that keeps everything bottled up. I just don't wanna be petty and block. I feel like that makes me as immature as she might be. My question is why all the blocking and unblocking? I know it's curiosity most likely but to do it over and over lol. Is she questioning her decision? I'm sure I'm on her mind

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Blocking her is not petty, it's protecting yourself. You won't be reminded of her so much so you can start to heal for real. It doesn't matter why she keeps blocking/unblocking you. The only thing that matters is she hasn't explicitly asked for you back. Don't try and read into anything.

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I know it's hard, but you should block her from everything so you don't notice these things. Then you can regain your strength. Plan on moving forward. Don't worry, if she ever really wanted back into your life, she will go out of her way to get through to you. But never forget that she dropped you at the drop of a hat and you have proof that she would do it again. Demand better in life. You deserve the best.


I hear ya. She's a very stubborn person so I'm sure it's ego and pride too. I also feel I should apologize for some of the mistakes I made.

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I know it's hard, but you should block her from everything so you don't notice these things. Then you can regain your strength. Plan on moving forward. Don't worry, if she ever really wanted back into your life, she will go out of her way to get through to you. But never forget that she dropped you at the drop of a hat and you have proof that she would do it again. Demand better in life. You deserve the best.


I'm a lot better. I used to be that guy who would call and text and not give them time or space. I'm proud of myself cause I haven't contacted her once. I'm talking to other women as well to help heal. I'm just someone that wants closure. I put a lot of time and effort into my relationship with her. She did too but not to the extent I did. We spent to much time together and i feel like I smothered her. I would make jokes all the time. Sexual jokes that I wasn't serious about but in my mind it was all in fun and I was kidding around. I tend to not have a filter sometimes but still at the end of the day she could of talked to me about that I feel. I think when two people are in a relationship there's gonna be times both people say or do things that their partner dislikes or bothers them but at the end of the day they talk about it. Everything was fine a few days before she did this. Then it's like boom dumped

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Okay, after reading this and everything everyone else said. I think there should be a full understanding of where she is coming from. It sounds like you did move too fast and possibly scared her away? I only know this, because I too have had this happen when I wasn't being honest with myself about my girl. I really think instead of asking people questions on here and putting her personal issues on blast that you should truly talk to her. Maybe she had an abusive relationship before and something that you did/said triggered something in her for her to react the way she did? As for the blocking and unblocking, when you update software, sometimes it has the tendency to do weird . I digress, I really think you should think before you assume things. People deal with things in odd ways and nobody is perfect. Just smile and move on.

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I have decided to just move on a forget about her as difficult as it is. She made a instagram post directed at me and made some insane and petty immature claims about me. Childish behavior. When I haven't said a single word to her since she broke up with me the day after my bday. I grew tired of her social media games and made my instagram private. Well that set her off and she then made that post about me. Then a few hours later I had received threatening txts from her brother. She made things up about me and is just immature. It's truly sad cause I love her and what we had was special. I believe we could have fixed things. I wanted to contact her and maybe I should have but she broke up with me after all. I shouldn't have to be the one to reach out.

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She sounds cuckoo. You dodged a bullet. Delete, block, unfollow, unfriend, her on all social media and reset all your social media settings.

Then a few hours later I had received threatening txts from her brother. She made things up about me and is just immature.
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Unfortunately I think so too. I think this could also just be how she copes when she breaks up with guys. It should have been a red flag when she told me awhile back that she has broken up with all of her past ex boyfriends. While I can tell she has been with one to many crazies or weirdos she also isn't so perfect herself. I believe two people add to the demise of a relationship. Unless your with a heartless women or douchebag lol. I just can't believe how she goes from being all sweet and loving and saying she loves me then a few days later she's cold and short when she ended our relationship. It's something I'll never understand. I'd at least like closure. While yes it was just 2 months. I also put In a lot of time and effort into it. It's just frustrating that she couldn't even face me and speak to me. To me dumping someone via texts and fb messenger is the ultimate disrespect and extremely hurtful. I was on you tube today and her and her friends geek channel had a video with her reviewing a movie and all I can say is wow. She looks completely different. I'm not trying to be mean or cold but it looks as if she's unhappy and put on some weight. She was a bigger girl. She was when we were together but not like how she is now. It's crazy to me how someone can gain all that in a 4 week span. I truly wish her nothing but happiness and the best. It's just ashame she has to act this way.

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You should also stop looking at her IG,FB and other social media accounts. From what you have posted other then here following you on certian ones the only way you know if she has followed/blocked/unfollowed you is by you looking, so just stop and get on with life.

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