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Is this normal?


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Just over 2 months ago I found out that a friend of mine took his own life, we used to speak a lot but I pulled away from him and a lot of others during a time of my life I'd rather forget. It's been hard to accept and at times I will just cry for a long time and then the rest of the week I don't think about it, it's as if I only experience my emotions in short bursts.


At first I felt guilty for ignoring messages from him and I still do sometimes but Ive tried reading on this and it's normal to blame yourself. I felt like I was losing my mind but now I think I am coming to terms with it. I haven't told anyone besides a friend from uni who I hardly know and it aorta just slipped out, I broke down in front of him and although he was supportive during our talk he hasnt mentioned it since, I don't blame him who would after receiving a bombshell like that.


What I want to ask is it normal to feel like if I tell others whats happened then I'm burdening them? I dont want anyone to worry about me I just don't know what to think right now.

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it is normal to feel guilt after the loss of someone. there are stages of grief and guilt is one of them. no it's not your fault. talking to people about it isn't bad. if they were really your true friend they wouldn't see you venting feelings as a problem. good luck

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I'm so sorry about your friend! People handle grief differently, some people avoid any contact with it. Others have Dealt with it more often and will listen and be able to help you feel better. You are on your own journey on how to cope with what has happened. I really would not be too hard on yourself, if your friend took his own life he had issues that were too big for you to handle, when you pulled away you did what was best for you at the time. it's not your fault that this happened, your not responsible for other peoples decisions. the best thing you could have done was help your friend get some mental health. that being said their is no use in you torturing your self over something beyond your control. if you would like to talk message me, I'm always willing to listen.

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