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I was the worst boyfriend ever. I'm 19 and she is 20 and we go to different Unis. Our relationship became really bad because of me. I cheated and I manipulated her and treated her like . She refused to meet me for two months. Last night she said if I came home for easter she would meet me for an hour. She says she loves me and wants to be with me and wants to marry but can't because I cheated and she doesn't know If I will do it again. I am doing everything I can to prove it to her. She does seem like she could be swayed. She went from never wanting to see me again to this. I told her I love her and she's the one, I've been to counselling every week and done so much to try and put things right. I told her we should meet up because if we start seeing each other again it will help put things back on track. Is there any advice you guys could give me when I meet her. How can I show her I would never do it again. I hated for 4 times, all just druken kisses in clubs when I was 18. Im nearly 20, but I only told her after we ended 2 months ago. I need help to get her back.

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Dude, you're 19 and think you've found the one, but still snogged some other chicks in a year ago. Was she not the one enoug a year ago? Being drunk is not an excuse and I can understand where your ex-girlfriend is coming from. Why is it so important to get back with this girl who may never trust you again fully?

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I would let her go.


Cheating is incredibly hurtful and forever changes the way you look at the cheater. Even though you are remorseful and swear you'd never do it again, it doesn't erase what's already been done. The damage is there and even if you were to reunite, I can promise you it would be a rough ride. She won't trust you and you are only 19 - the likelihood of this being your last relationship forever is very low anyway, given you age. It is very unwise to promise someone "forever" when you're barely an adult. Things change so much and you two don't have a solid foundation.


It would be better to learn from this and grow so you don't repeat the same behaviour in the future.

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You can get together but it sounds like her mind is made up about the cheating and all trust is gone.

Last night she said if I came home for easter she would meet me for an hour. She says she loves me and wants to be with me and wants to marry but can't because I cheated and she doesn't know If I will do it again.
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