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Good evening all!


I see these when watching rubbish on YouTube - "Get To Know You" tags and "Random Questions" tags.


Even though I know deep down they're naff, I can't help being kind of interested and totally addicted to doing them and reading others replies.


So please, if you can even be bothered, (it is a huuuuge list), I would love to hear your reply to '99 QUESTIONS'




Lo x




1. Where were you 3 hours ago?


On my stairwell painting spindles with off white paint getting cold hands.


2. If you have a nickname, what is it?


Cheeky. No explanation needed I guess! This one was given to me by my husband. Friends call me 'Miss ....' - not sure if thats a compliment or not. Can't tell you my surname, too paranoid!


3. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?


I know this because my mum always mentions it for some reason! Sorry I'm not a boy mother! And it is Christopher.


4. Do you have any hobby's?


Yoga on a Saturday morning with the girls, writing, cleaning, obsessively shopping for shoes, clothes, lingerie - watching films, going out to cafe's, taking drives out to nowhere just to listen to music, dancing, reading, reading c****y articles online about useless stuff, going to American style diners with Miss G, renovating our home. Oh and collecting shoes; more shopping.


5. What would you name your daughter if you had one?


Oh! Sue. I really like Sue. Or Minnie - is that even allowed?! I also like Wendy. Or Sophia. But it will probably be Greta, after my husbands Grandma - a beautiful name we both think, and not much heard or seen either.


6. What would you name your son if you had one?


Everyone laughs at this, but I love the name Bruno! Is THAT even allowed?!


7. When was the last time you drove out of town and why?


Sunday, to go see my mother for mothers day.


8. What's the worst grade you got on a test?


A U! Which means 'unmarked' in the British school system. Quite proud of it. It was for an A Levels politics test. I hadn't revised all year for it, had come in half drunk and half hungover and had left work at a cocktail bar at 3am to sit the exam for eight. Uh. Don't think I even read the question, just rambled. FAIL!


9. How tall are you?


5'5'' on a bad day, 5'6'' on a good day


10. How much do you weigh?


Oh, again; 8 stone 2 on a good day, 8 stone 4 on a... normal day! Used to be much lighter, put on the pounds lately. Married life.


11. Ever cheated? Ever been cheated on?


No. Not that exciting.


12. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?


Too many to count! Embarrassing. Probably about 60.


13. Introvert or extrovert?


Pretended to be an introvert in school - I'm an extrovert really, through and through.


14. What do you do at the weekend?


My husband!!!


15. Who's your favourite person in the world and why?


Ditto above. Just because, he's the one. I can't explain. No need for me to go on gushing here.


16. What language, besides your native tongue, would you like to be fluent in?


So easy - Italian.


17. What's your favourite candle scent?


Anything woody and spicy. Masculine scents are my favourite.


18. What is your favourite holiday?


It is a dead lock between Christmas and Halloween! I'm cheating on this one.


19. Do you eat breakfast every morning?


Hardly ever. Breakfast is normally a cup of coffee.


20. What is the last compliment you got?


A friend of mine said when we were out and I was dancing in a flared crop top that I looked like "What's that film Factory Girl? That Warhol girl? Eddie Sedgwick!" It's just because I've had all my hair cut off into a pixie bowl cut.


21. What is the last insult you received?


Like a proper, proper insult, not just a bit of a nasty comment? Hmm. A huge argument myself and my sister had a year or so back - that I am spoilt and it's 'all about me'.


22. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?


A bit of both. Not afraid to get my hands soapy!


23. What is your favourite body part?


Myyyyy waist, I think.


24. What is your least favourite body part?


My knees!


25. What is your favourite thing to do?


Something about you being a man and me being a woman.


26. What is your least favourite thing to do?


All the things I normally should be doing. Anything to do with organisation and responsibilities. The boring stuff. And food shopping. I hate it.


27. What religion will you raise your children to practice?


I would never tell my children what religion to be, but in an ideal world I would be most secretly happy if they ended up being atheists. I would teach them as best I could about all religions in a completely non-biased way, and let them make their own mind up when given all the facts.


28. What is your favourite colour?


Red. Either bright, vermillion red or dark, velvet red.


29. What do you wear to bed?


Usually my husband's shirt or T-shirt. Other items - not saying! But I never, ever sleep naked. I can't sleep naked for some reason, but I can't sleep in pants or knickers either. Hypocrite.


30. What is your favourite drink?


Coffee. Milk and cream.


31. Name your biggest weakness...




32. Name your biggest strength...


Sense of humour, even in dark situations.


33. What is your idea of an ideal first date?


Nothing fancy or cliche - getting to know each other, grabbing a drink somewhere you can talk and the music isn't too loud.


34. How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?


One! Lame!


35. Have you ever slept with anyone of the opposite sex? If so, how many?


Yes. Three different girls, three times.


36. What is in your car glove compartment or handbag at this moment in time?


Glove compartment? Everything is kept in a white leather and cream zip bag to keep things neat! And it matches my car because the interior is cream, what a geek. So, baby wipes, hand sanitiser, hand lotion, a cherry tinted lip balm, a nail file, spare set of house keys and alarm keys, a pencil from some hotel in London me and D stayed in, a mini first aid kit my worrisome mum gave me.


Handbag? Is a small, nude pink mini city bag with a brass clasp and it contains: Credit card, red leather purse, receipt, red lipstick, a mini tube of hand lotion, some loose change and weirdly a folded up pair of grey socks! I get cold feet! Oh, and my car keys.


37. What colour hair do you have?


Red for all you Americans. The official colour (my hair dresser tells me!) is apparently copper! It's the same colour as a shiny 1p coin.


38. What characteristics do you look for in a friend?


Mischievousness, originality, passion, honestly, a dislike for gossip and to not take themselves too seriously.


39. How would you describe your fashion sense?


A bit kooky at times, sexy, elegant often, and at weekends casual. I like to keep it simple often. I never wear jewellery apart from my wedding and engagement ring and maybe a watch now and then. Always in heels. I love velvet. Backless dresses and tight jeans. Cute knitwear with low V's. Non fussy bags and non fussy make-up. I would like to think classic, polished but with a relaxed feel! But I probably look a mess half the time anyway!


40. What was your first concert?


Oasis with my best friend Miss G. We were probably about 15, everyone else was at least 30. Liam flipped us the bird, we are sure of that. She was the fan, I wasn't.


41. Do you like being the dominated one or the submissive one in the bedroom?


Submissive! In and outside of the sack.


42. The thing I can't resist in the opposite sex is...


...a cheeky grin!


43. The thing that would most turn me off about the opposite sex is...


...bad breath!


44. Name a bad habit!


Chewing the inside of my lip. Nagging my husband. Being controlling. Not calling anyone and only texting. Late for most things. Daydream when I should be concentrating. Sweat when really nervous. Uncomfortable with change. Need I go on?!


45. What is your biggest pet peeve?


When people think they known it all. Arrogance. Boring, tedious, mundane people - now that sounds arrogant of me, doesn't it! Uh oh! Just telling the truth.


46. Describe your dream home...


...well the one I'm in now ain't half bad for me. So, to be corny, our house! A Georgian property. I love their architecture - stately, elegant, symmetrical, high ceilings, huge windows, light - I could go on. Anything built in that era, including our humble pad.


47. Do you miss anyone right now?


Yes. My Grandfather. Lately, I've missed him a lot. I wish he'd been awake when I saw him before he died. There are so many things I wanted to tell him but probably would never of said anyway. I loved him. We were very alike even though we weren't that close. I was too young.


48. What is your earliest childhood memory?


I believe it's a sunny, warm day, and I am looking down at my feet resting on a grey rubber strip of a pram/push chair. It's a happy, relaxed memory. I can see the pavement gliding beneath my feet as I'm gently pushed along.


49. What impresses you the most?


When someone is confidently and unapologetically themselves.


50. Would you ever get married? (If you are married, how long have you been married for?)


Nearly 3 years this August.


51. If you weren't you, would you be friends with you?


Erm, of course! I wish I could not be me just so I could be friends with me


52. Do you have a special talent?


Yeah - spending money until I don't have any! It comes real easy to me!


53. Use three words to describe your personality...


Hyperactive, sensual and elegant.


54. What is your goal for this year?


To make new, real, long lasting friends. To finish renovating the house. To make my husband very, very happy.


55. Do you have a life goal?


Soppy as it is - to remain in a happy, romantic marriage until I die and raise a happy, healthy family. To say, 'I did it my way.'


56. At what age would you want to die?


Morbid! The irrational part of me says if I say it, then it will become a reality! I don't know - not too long that I can't do anything and ideally not too soon that I still feel like I've got life to really live. The overachiever side of me wants to say 100, just so I can annoy everyone for a really long time.


57. Which celebrity would you most like to look like?


My God, easy - Winona Ryder in Dracula.


58. What is your song of the week?


'Into You' by Fabolous featuring Tamia.


59. Most embarrassing moment?


Accidentally walking in on my Granddad naked looking at himself in front of the mirror. Oh. My. Lord. I was about 11. That and myself as a 9 year old trying to impress my current crush. He mentioned something about girls being afraid of spiders, and then I chimed in really loud that "I WASN'T, because I'm (said as seductively as a child can), not-like-other-girls." Then he just looked at me and said, "You got that line from 'Are You Afraid Of The Dark', weirdo." I could of died. Totally busted for plagiarism whilst trying to impress with a line that wasn't mine. Popular TV show. He watched it, my fault I never knew. WHOOPS!


60. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?


My overly emotional tendencies sometimes. The way I sound/come off as aggressive when speaking about something I don't agree with. My overly sensitive nature. Perfectionist attitude. My always wanting more, never satisfied and constant obsessive with material things.


61. Would you ever bungee jump?


Hell yeah! It's on the to do list!


62. Ever fired a gun?


No, but I want too.


63. What is your favourite film?


'Vanilla Sky'. One, because it's an amazing film but two, because I first watched it with D and we have very happy, newly going out memories linked too it.


64. Are you a good liar?


Famously no.


65. Do you consider yourself mature for your age?


Sometimes yes, sometimes no!


66. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?


I wish I could say the happier of the two but I think I incline slightly more towards the negative side. I have days where I am insanely positive and I guess some days where I just see the bad in things. I go through phases I guess.


67. Do you frequently speak exactly what's on your mind?


In my journal, 80% of the time. In life, half the time. To friends, 70% of the time. To my husband? All of the time.


68. What is your most visited webpage?


YouTube, has to be. That or Bebe Zeva's instagram page.


69. What time did you wake up today?


8am. Had things to do.


70. Do you have any piercings?


Ears, only one on each lobe. Used to have my belly button pierced when I was younger and reckless. I did it to impress D because one time he made an off handed comment that he thought it looked sexy. I was wearing a high waisted pencil skirt when I worked as en estate agent and it must of been rubbing against my naval - piercing fell out and healed up straight away. Just a dot of a scare above naval now which annoys me to no end.


71. Do you have any tattoos?


No and being honest, I don't really like them.


72. Ever broke anyone's heart?


My father and my mothers and my sisters and hopefully no one else. I think they have forgiven me now, but what they don't realise is they broke mine as well.


73. Ever had your heart broken?


Never romantically. Keeping this one within the family!


74. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?


I would love to have been a teenager in the 90s. Instead I was just a really small kid. That or way back - Georgian time period, naturally! Or 50's. I like the idea they had about glamour and tradition then.


75. Strangest or most unusual place you've ever had sex?


Oh my God, I can't say most! It's private. But the ones I can are all the other usual places - pulled up beside a road over a car bonnet, in the sea, in a pool, in a field, on a fence... I sound like a deviant. I am.


76. Do you believe in heaven?


Heaven is a place on Earth.


77. Have you ever walked outside in your PJ's?


Over my dead body.


78. Did you have a dream last night? If so, what was it?


I was pregnant! But I didn't know it yet, until I sat down on a really high stool in front of this happy, bubbly chef who was cooking at a breakfast table in front of me. He said, "This curry stew tells me if you are pregnant or not, and dear, when you taste it, you are!"


79. What year has been your best?


2008. I met D, I was 18, I was on top of the world mostly always - still am, I feel so lucky, but 2008 will always be the year my life changed and I started living.


80. Do you watch the news?


I try to avoid it but yes, I do. Quite often. I have a weird curiosity with Sky News. Love the theme music.


81. Do you prefer to give or receive advice?


Notoriously can't take advice. As Oscar Wilde once said, 'I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself.


82. Ever gotten pregnant?


Yes. I was 22. I felt too young and many other things. Now I feel too old at 27 to be starting.


83. Have you ever been on TV?


Ha! Yes. When I was young for some music thing and also for something to do with a fashion project when I was 16. Embarrassing.


84. Name one unusual fact about yourself...


...I love binge eating McDonalds. Seriously, just getting the biggest hugest dirtiest order and necking it all in the car. Love it. Guilty pleasure.


85. Do you wear make-up?


Yes, but never foundation. Red lipstick, sometimes winged eye liner, mascara and a bit of blush.


86. Ever met someone famous?


Yes! Wasn't impressed! Never meet your hero's.


87. What makes you feel most alive?


Love. The I would die for you, all guns blazing, full obsession passionate romantic kind.


88. Do you have any regrets? If so, what are they?


Not really. Maybe if I had to have one, it would be wasting my time with people who don't care and who aren't really friends.


89. Uf you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?


I wish I had more time. I wish I could do it all over again, even now.


90. Do you pray? If so, what do you pray for?


Not anymore. I was religious when I was younger because my parents were. I used to pray for my family to be kept safe, happy and healthy. And I also used to pray for wisdom. Then I became an atheist. Ironic, right?


91. Most expensive thing you have ever bought?


The house.


92. Saver or spender?


Big spender!


93. What time do you go to bed?


As late as I can get away with! When the sun is coming up.


94. What colour is your bedroom?


A very, very dark grey named 'Sleepy Kitten'.


95. What is your philosophy on life?


Be true to yourself. Think for yourself. Do it yourself. Don't live someone else's life - live your own.


96. Do you believe in love at first sight?


Of course. My most favourite quote, form the book 'Lolita' - “It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight.”


97. What makes you sad?


Being alone.


98. What makes you happy?


Seeing my husband smile. Resting on his bare chest in the morning. Falling asleep with him at night. Holding his hand. Play fighting and him letting me win.


99. If you had one wish for the future, what would it be?


Health, happiness, and ever lasting love.



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1. Where were you 3 hours ago?


at home


2. If you have a nickname, what is it?


Lulu. It was given to me by my pépère


3. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?


Probably Michael


4. Do you have any hobby's?


I love to crochet


5. What would you name your daughter if you had one?


Victoria . I will never have a daughter so I don't worry about it anymore .


6. What would you name your son if you had one?

I have a son and I named him exactly what I wanted. He's named for himself, he's named for my brother and he is named for his father and his paternal grandfather


7. When was the last time you drove out of town and why?



This morning to take my son to college and go out for breakfast with a girlfriend


8. What's the worst grade you got on a test?


I don't remember I was in grade school in the 70s ,high school in the 80s and finish university in 93 .


9. How tall are you?


5'3" and a half


10. How much do you weigh?


Not even getting close to answering that older lady's prerogative


11. Ever cheated? Ever been cheated on?


That's a waste of time


12. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?


not many.


13. Introvert or extrovert?


Extrovert .


14. What do you do at the weekend?


Catch up on family time


15. Who's your favourite person in the world and why?


Well I have favourite people in my life . My son ,my husband and my mother ,my brother


16. What language, besides your native tongue, would you like to be fluent in?


I am not sure.


I was raised with two languages simultaneously


17. What's your favourite candle scent?


vanilla if I can tolerate any at all.


18. What is your favourite holiday?


Absolutely Christmas


19. Do you eat breakfast every morning


I hate breakfast


20. What is the last compliment you got?

Every day I'm told I'm loved


21. What is the last insult you received?


I don't remember it's been a while


22. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?


Nope I'm not washing a car


23. What is your favourite body part?


My eyes


24. What is your least favourite body part?


Everything but my eyes


25. What is your favourite thing to do?


Just be in quite solitude


26. What is your least favourite thing to do?


Washing dishes hence why I have a dishwasher


27. What religion will you raise your children to practice?


My son is the same religion as my husband and I and he's very devout


28. What is your favourite colour



29. What do you wear to bed?


Depends on the season


30. What is your favourite drink?


Tea with milk


31. Name your biggest weakness...


My temper


32. Name your biggest strength...


My sense of hope


33. What is your idea of an ideal first date?



It has been 27 years since I had a first date. I wouldn't remember what to do


34. How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?




35. Have you ever slept with anyone of the opposite sex? If so, how many?




36. What is in your car glove compartment or handbag at this moment in time?


Glove box

Vehicle manual


Handbag? Medications, assorted make up ,bank cards and credit cards .


37. What colour hair do you have?


At present it's my natural colour . White


38. What characteristics do you look for in a friend


Someone who is honest ,caring and has integrity.


39. How would you describe your fashion sense?


Mostly sedate, I guess


40. What was your first concert?




41. Do you like being the dominated one or the submissive one in the

I don't really answer sexual questions


42. The thing I can't resist in the opposite sex is...




Beautiful eyes


43. The thing that would most turn me off about the opposite sex is...


Being a jerk


44. Name a bad habit!


I can be nitpicky


45. What is your biggest peeve?


People who can't drive properly


46. Describe your dream home...


... I would really have to think about it


47. Do you miss anyone right now?


I always miss my mom . She lives three hours for me


48. What is your earliest childhood memory?


Being pushed in a buggy and sang to by my grandfather


49. What impresses you the most?


integrity walk the walk and talk the talk


50. Would you ever get married? (If you are married, how long have you been married for?)


23 years in April


51. If you weren't you, would you be friends with you?




52. Do you have a special talent




53. Use three words to describe your personality...


passionate, compassionate, earnest


54. What is your goal for this year?




55. Do you have a life goal?


To see my son independent


56. At what age would you want to die?


no idea.


57. Which celebrity would you most like to look like?


No clue


58. What is your song of the week?


I don't have one


59. Most embarrassing moment


Cheetarah knows that story


60. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?


My childhood


61. Would you ever bungee jump?


My spine and neck have enough damage


62. Ever fired a gun?


Yes ,handgun ,rifle ,machine gun and antitank weapon


63. What is your favourite film?


Gone with the wind


64. Are you a good liar?




65. Do you consider yourself mature for your age?




66. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?


Mostly optimistic .


67. Do you frequently speak exactly what's on your mind?




68. What is your most visited web page .

This or YouTube

69. What time did you wake up today?




70. Do you have any piercings?


Ears, only


71. Do you have any tattoos?




72. Ever broke anyone's heart

Not that I know of


73. Ever had your heart broken?


Yeah my dad smashed it


74. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?


I would love to meet Jesus Christ


75. Strangest or most unusual place you've ever had sex?




76. Do you believe in Heaven



77. Have you ever walked outside in your PJ's?


Well outside my house but not beyond


78. Did you have a dream last night? If so, what was it?




79. What year has been your best?


1997 my beautiful son was born


80. Do you watch the news?


I try to avoid it


81. Do you prefer to give or receive advice




82. Ever gotten pregnant?


Yes. 5 times


83. Have you ever been on TV?


Yes he


84. Name one unusual fact about yourself...


...I have moved 37 times


85. Do you wear make-up?




86. Ever met someone famous?




87. What makes you feel most alive?




88. Do you have any regrets? If so, what are they?


Done more of my dreams


89. Uf you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?


I wish I had more time. More than half my life is gone.


90. Do you pray? If so, what do you pray for?


for others


91. Most expensive thing you have ever bought?




92. Saver or spender?


In between


93. What time do you go to bed?


about 11


94. What colour is your bedroom?




95. What is your philosophy on life?


Love thy neighbour .


96. Do you believe in love at first sight?




97. What makes you sad?


Being alone.


98. What makes you happy


Being with my family


99. If you had one wish for the future, what would it be


My health to return



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1. Where were you 3 hours ago?


Finishing up a back and chest workout at the gym


2. If you have a nickname, what is it?


People called me just by my last name in high school. Otherwise don't really have one.


3. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?


Don't know. I was told it was Jason or Brian for my name. I'm happy they chose the former.


4. Do you have any hobby's?


Not a lot. The usual stuff that keeps people entertained is what keeps me entertained.


5. What would you name your daughter if you had one?


Man, I don't know.


6. What would you name your son if you had one?


Probably Jared or something to keep the Js going.


7. When was the last time you drove out of town and why?


Hmm probably October for the Cavs home opener/banner raising.


8. What's the worst grade you got on a test?

Not sure. I failed often in math.


9. How tall are you?

Between 6-3 and 6-4.


10. How much do you weigh?

182 lbs, (13 stone for the Brits)


11. Ever cheated? Ever been cheated on?

No. Hope not.


12. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?

3 are in the rotation. Dress shoes for work M-Th, basketball shoes, and regular sneakers.

13. Introvert or extrovert?


Was an introvert big time, I'm slowly becoming reformed, which has taken years. I'd say I'm still an introvert trying to be more outgoing. I've found people are fine with talking to me, but need to know I'm fine with talking to them.


14. What do you do at the weekend?


Read, watch Netflix, play video games. Sometimes see a movie or go to a game somewhere.


15. Who's your favourite person in the world and why?


Mmmm tough one. I think my nephew kind of brings a different energy to the family because he's the only kid.


16. What language, besides your native tongue, would you like to be fluent in?




17. What's your favourite candle scent?


I actually like candles in general, even though I don't use them that much. Probably apple something.


18. What is your favourite holiday?




19. Do you eat breakfast every morning?




20. What is the last compliment you got?


A guy I see often at the gym was asking about my job, and he said, "All that school paid off, didn't it? Good for you!"


21. What is the last insult you received?


Don't remember. I guess I'm lucky.


22. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?


Usually car wash.


23. What is your favourite body part?


Probably my arms. They're bigger than people tend to think if they just see me in long sleeves.


24. What is your least favourite body part?

Knees. The right is worse than the left.

25. What is your favourite thing to do?


Probably something like sitting outside reading.


26. What is your least favourite thing to do?


Putting things together or fixing them. If it's like a toy or something ok, but major home items? NO. NO WAY. That know-how absolutely skipped right the hell over me. I'm the kind that will pay to have it done.


27. What religion will you raise your children to practice?


I don't know that I'll ever have kids, and I'd just cross that bridge when I came to it.


28. What is your favourite colour?




29. What do you wear to bed?

T shirt and cotton pants. I can't sleep naked or near-naked. Too uncomfortable.


30. What is your favourite drink?


Black coffee.


31. Name your biggest weakness...


Not being forward enough.


32. Name your biggest strength...


My work ethic. I always thought of myself being of, at very best, average intelligence. But I'm always a worker. There lots of people smarter than me, so I have to try even harder. I think Emmitt Smith summed it up best: "Consistency shows value. It breeds trust. You know I'm going to show up every week."


33. What is your idea of an ideal first date?

Nothing fancy or cliche - getting to know each other, grabbing a drink somewhere you can talk and the music isn't too loud.


34. How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?


Like three. If you could call them that. I've never been the kind of person people look at and think, "There's a guy that looks like LTR potential."


35. Have you ever slept with anyone of the opposite sex? If so, how many?


Yes. Did the question mean to ask same sex. If so: No.


36. What is in your car glove compartment or handbag at this moment in time?

I don't know. My registration info?

37. What colour hair do you have?




38. What characteristics do you look for in a friend?

Someone who I feel like I can talk to any time.


39. How would you describe your fashion sense?


I spend a fair bit on clothes. I think it's important. Probably "preppy," would be the word. But on the weekends I'm usually just in a t-shirt and jeans.


40. What was your first concert?


Everclear in 2003 when I was 16.


41. Do you like being the dominated one or the submissive one in the bedroom?


I'm definitely more dominant.


42. The thing I can't resist in the opposite sex is...


Fit bodies. If you have short hair and a fit body, omg.


43. The thing that would most turn me off about the opposite sex is...


Getting angry for no reason. Some people are just mad at the world. We wouldn't be compatible. I'm a pretty content guy.


44. Name a bad habit!


Probably nail biting. I don't do it all that much now, and always only in private, but I still need to totally stop.


45. What is your biggest pet peeve?


Laziness. Especially when it's coupled with complaining.


46. Describe your dream home...


Quiet and organized.


47. Do you miss anyone right now?


If you've read my journal you can probably guess: My grandpa. He died when I was 13, and I just think it would be cool to talk to him now.


48. What is your earliest childhood memory?

My dad telling me to step back and kicking the basement door open when I was like three. I had locked him down there (He wasn't mad or anything, just had to get out.)


49. What impresses you the most?


Everyday people that are ridiculously good at something. My dad can fix anything that can be fixed,; that's an example.



50. Would you ever get married? (If you are married, how long have you been married for?)


I don't know.


51. If you weren't you, would you be friends with you?


I would be friendly with me. I don't know. I'm not the easiest to be friends with.

52. Do you have a special talent?


I can make my chest muscles move individually.

I like to pick things up with my feet when I can.


53. Use three words to describe your personality...

Consistent, content, focused.


54. What is your goal for this year?


Move a little closer to work.


55. Do you have a life goal?


Not really. I want to be me, and I've got that already.


56. At what age would you want to die?


I don't know.


57. Which celebrity would you most like to look like?


I don't know. People on ENA once said I looked like Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren) in that Rocky movie. Facial structure is similar-ish I guess even though he's blonde.

58. What is your song of the week?


Rolling Stones - Satisfaction


59. Most embarrassing moment?


My shorts feel down one time on the practice field in band. Not my boxers, but the shorts I was wearing.


60. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?


I want to be super confident all the time. Like Mr. Smooth.



61. Would you ever bungee jump?



62. Ever fired a gun?

Yes. I've only been to the range like four times, but have fired a few different pistols and one guy let me shoot his shotgun one time.


63. What is your favourite film?


I don't have one favorite. Alien, No Country for Old Men, The Godfather, The Thin Red Line, and There Will Be Blood are all up there.


64. Are you a good liar?


I almost never lie, but I usually am good at it when I do.


65. Do you consider yourself mature for your age?


I'm 30. I feel thirty. But when I was 20 I probably acted 30 so it's hard to tell.

66. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?


Optimist. To paraphrase Steven King, "things turn out well a ridiculous amount of the time."

67. Do you frequently speak exactly what's on your mind?


More and more so. Used to almost never.


68. What is your most visited webpage?



69. What time did you wake up today?


About 7:15. Had an appointment so got to sleep in.


70. Do you have any piercings?



71. Do you have any tattoos?




72. Ever broke anyone's heart?

Nah. I'm not worth all that. I've made people angry, but not broken their heart.


73. Ever had your heart broken?




74. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?

Probably to the fifties and early sixties. The time post WW2 and pre-Vietnam just had a cool vibe.


75. Strangest or most unusual place you've ever had sex?


Really nowhere unusual. I'm vanilla.


76. Do you believe in heaven?




77. Have you ever walked outside in your PJ's?


Yeah. Not a common thing.


78. Did you have a dream last night? If so, what was it?

Don't remember having one.


79. What year has been your best?

About the last three have all been my best, so I'm hoping this one continues the trend.

80. Do you watch the news?

Usually just over breakfast for about 15 to 20 minutes.


81. Do you prefer to give or receive advice?

Receive. I wouldn't be where I am without the counsel of others.


82. Ever gotten pregnant?



83. Have you ever been on TV?


I was riding in the cart as a kid at the grocery store with my mom and was on the news for like one second in the early 90s.


84. Name one unusual fact about yourself...


If I lift my left arm in front of me, across my body and parallel to the floor in front of a mirror, a half-inch scar is visible. It looks like a cigarette burn. That, friends, is a goose bite. A goose bit me when I was like five or six and we were feeding birds by the river.

85. Do you wear make-up?


No. I do have some blemish cream that kind of minimizes redness if a pimple or something is super-visible. It's meant to kind of blend in.

86. Ever met someone famous?


No. Like really never.

87. What makes you feel most alive?


Just a general sense of freedom. The freedom to just...do. I love just like walking out of the office or out of a restaurant on a beautiful day and just feeling thankful for it all, you know. I'm alive. I'm here. I'm ok.


88. Do you have any regrets? If so, what are they?

Not stating my intentions with a couple of women soon enough. Making them think I wasn't interested.


89. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?


See above.


90. Do you pray? If so, what do you pray for?

Haven't been as much. Need to get back into the habit.


91. Most expensive thing you have ever bought?


My car.

92. Saver or spender?


Both. I spend, but I'm like a "knick-knack" spender. Body wash, face wash, hand sanitizer, disinfectant. I space out my bigger purchases like clothing to maybe two items or so per paycheck. I like to bank a good portion into my savings.


93. What time do you go to bed?


Usually between 10 and 11 during the week. A little later on weekends.

94. What colour is your bedroom?


Pale blue. Will be white again in the new place.


95. What is your philosophy on life?

It's between you and you.


96. Do you believe in love at first sight?


No. Infatuation at first sight? Sure.


97. What makes you sad?


My loneliness sets in for a bit most weekends. I have trouble not feeling useful.


98. What makes you happy?


Just knowing I've had a good life.



99. If you had one wish for the future, what would it be?


I think I'd be fine just knowing I was a positive influence to someone, or that someone who knew me thought I was a good dude. The rest is all icing on the cake for me.

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Thank you for your response! I know the questions are along slug but I think I definitely got a good vibe about who you are from your answers - correct me if I'm wrong and apologies for any assumptions, but you seem to me to be a lady of principle and integrity.


Thanks for sharing, always interesting to hear about others on here!


Lo x

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Hey Super!


Great replies - always love to read anything you put up on here!


Being an introvert isn't a bad thing y'know; I wish I was more shy sometimes, I think it's a lovely trait!


Hope you're well aaaaand also just remembered I never answered your question a year back on which Stephen King book is my favourite? Just for the characters but not the ending or horror, it has to be 'It' for me. That or one of his novellas called 'The Last Rung On The Ladder' - what's yours?


LO x

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Hey Super!


Great replies - always love to read anything you put up on here!


Being an introvert isn't a bad thing y'know; I wish I was more shy sometimes, I think it's a lovely trait!


Hope you're well aaaaand also just remembered I never answered your question a year back on which Stephen King book is my favourite? Just for the characters but not the ending or horror, it has to be 'It' for me. That or one of his novellas called 'The Last Rung On The Ladder' - what's yours?


LO x


It does have the best characters. Probably that one for me. Also really liked The Talisman he co-wrote with Peter Straub.

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This took forever to answer, I got logged out somehow in midst of it, haha oh well. I saved it. I think I got it all answered, funny this is what I post on first since being off here several months...took my mind off some things so all good.


1. Where were you 3 hours ago?


At work.


2. If you have a nickname, what is it?




3. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?




4. Do you have any hobby's?


Drawing, Painting, Photography, Knitting, Cooking.



5. What would you name your daughter if you had one?


Emma or Emily.


6. What would you name your son if you had one?




7. When was the last time you drove out of town and why?


A week ago. For my sanity.


8. What's the worst grade you got on a test?



9. How tall are you?


5 ft 6 and some .. Depending on hair height


10. How much do you weigh?


121 lbs


11. Ever cheated? Ever been cheated on?


No. Yes.


12. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?


With boots maybe 35 pairs.


13. Introvert or extrovert?




14. What do you do at the weekend?


Sleep, clean, see friends, cry.


15. Who's your favourite person in the world and why?


My neice.


16. What language, besides your native tongue, would you like to be fluent in?




17. What's your favourite candle scent?


Pumpkin or raspberry.


18. What is your favourite holiday?




19. Do you eat breakfast every morning?


I try.


20. What is the last compliment you got?


My hair looked nice.


21. What is the last insult you received?


Told to off and called a because I stood up for myself. Typical.


22. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?




23. What is your favourite body part?


Eyes, maybe legs too.


24. What is your least favourite body part?


Never liked my nose, it's okay but I don't like it.


25. What is your favourite thing to do?




26. What is your least favourite thing to do?


Go to a funeral.


27. What religion will you raise your children to practice?


I don't know. It doesn't matter to me.


28. What is your favourite colour?


Blue or Purple.


29. What do you wear to bed?


Winter ..flannel cute pjs, summer.. tank and panties.


30. What is your favourite drink?


Green tea.


31. Name your biggest weakness...


Trusting someone, if that counts.


32. Name your biggest strength...


Loyal and honest.


33. What is your idea of an ideal first date?


Movie and then drinks.


34. How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?




35. Have you ever slept with anyone of the opposite sex? If so, how many?


Do you mean same sex? If so, No. Only opposite gender.


36. What is in your car glove compartment or handbag at this moment in time?


Wallet, makeup, keys, gum, candies, tissue, pens, probably my phone, brush, small hair spray, a pad etcs.



37. What colour hair do you have?




38. What characteristics do you look for in a friend?


Kind, compassionate, loyal, trustworthy, funny and patient.


39. How would you describe your fashion sense?


Casual and dressy both. I like classy looks over sleazier ones.


40. What was your first concert?


Think it was Beyonce.


41. Do you like being the dominated one or the submissive one in the bedroom?


Both, but more submissive.


42. The thing I can't resist in the opposite sex is...


Nice eyes, prefer blue and dimples too.


43. The thing that would most turn me off about the opposite sex is...


Body odor and constant cursing.


44. Name a bad habit!


Biting nails.


45. What is your biggest pet peeve?


Not returning calls.


46. Describe your dream home...


Anything by the sea and private


47. Do you miss anyone right now?


My dad and nanny.


48. What is your earliest childhood memory?


Being in the hospital crying around 1 years old.


49. What impresses you the most?




50. Would you ever get married? (If you are married, how long have you been married for?)


Yes but doubt I will at this point.


51. If you weren't you, would you be friends with you?




52. Do you have a special talent?


I sometimes known things I am not told. Just feel it, and then know it.


53. Use three words to describe your personality...


ATM, sad, quiet and reflective.


54. What is your goal for this year?


To get through it.


55. Do you have a life goal?


Was to have a family of my own, I don't know what it would be anymore.


56. At what age would you want to die?


Before I get really sick or old, maybe 70's.


57. Which celebrity would you most like to look like?


Charlize Theron


58. What is your song of the week?


Anything by Sia.


59. Most embarrassing moment?


Getting my period at school and it going through and being very noticeable.



60. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?


How sensitve I am.


61. Would you ever bungee jump?




62. Ever fired a gun?




63. What is your favourite film?


Mini series of Pride and Predjudice...not the movie.


64. Are you a good liar?




65. Do you consider yourself mature for your age?




66. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?


Was an optimist until end of my engagement since then a pessimist.


67. Do you frequently speak exactly what's on your mind?




68. What is your most visited webpage?




69. What time did you wake up today?




70. Do you have any piercings?




71. Do you have any tattoos?




72. Ever broke anyone's heart?



Yes by not returning the same feelings back.


73. Ever had your heart broken?


Yes. Plenty.


74. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?


Maybe 10 plus years ago.


75. Strangest or most unusual place you've ever had sex?


Just in a car and on a car.


76. Do you believe in heaven?




77. Have you ever walked outside in your PJ's?




78. Did you have a dream last night? If so, what was it?


Was cleaning out a family members house and was crying and a strange cat rubbed against my leg and I woke up.


79. What year has been your best?


I don't know. Nothing stands out. Sad.


80. Do you watch the news?


Sometimes. I read it more.


81. Do you prefer to give or receive advice?




82. Ever gotten pregnant?




83. Have you ever been on TV?




84. Name one unusual fact about yourself...


I died when I was born.


85. Do you wear make-up?




86. Ever met someone famous?


Yes, a few times.


87. What makes you feel most alive?


The feeling of being happy.


88. Do you have any regrets? If so, what are they?


Many, too many to list.


89. Uf you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?


That I lived, I probably should have died when I died as a newborn.


90. Do you pray? If so, what do you pray for?


Not since January, upset and no reason atm to pray.


91. Most expensive thing you have ever bought?


A car.


92. Saver or spender?




93. What time do you go to bed?


Sometmes 10 pm sometimes 2 am.


94. What colour is your bedroom?


Blue and off white.


95. What is your philosophy on life?


Treat others how you'd want to be treated. Be kind.


96. Do you believe in love at first sight?




97. What makes you sad?


Death of a loved one.


98. What makes you happy?


My cat, My niece, sunny days.


99. If you had one wish for the future, what would it be?


To be happy and loved.

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