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Some Input Please


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Not sure what to classify this post as but,


I met a girl over the weekend. Who i had been talking to through text for just about a year and finally came around to meeting her.

We hit it off INSANELY well, i cant think of anyone Ive met that Ive felt so comfortable around after just 5 minutes of talking (which she even stated herself).


We went to a show together, danced the night away, she spent the night at my place (didn't sleep together, just cuddled), and then proceeded to spend the day whole after together just hanging out, talking, played video games randomly and she even delayed meeting up with her friend for a few hours because she was having so much fun.


I feel the writing is completely on the wall, and even when i dropped her off that night she said " i really think we should hang out again soon and I'm so happy to of finally met you for real".


I'm usually good at handing out advice, but always such at it for myself.. just curious if anyone could give any input how to approach this.. with it pointing in such a good direction.


Thanks for reading.

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Well that's just awesome!


The only advice I can give is to allow this to unfold naturally. Don't come on too strong or play it too cool. Be yourself, don't let high expectations become a source of pain, and recognize that one good date doesn't guarantee a good relationship.


Take your time to get to know each other and enjoy the journey.

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Excellent sounds like it's going great. Keep up the momentum and keep making regular in person dates.


Just curious why you texted for a year before meeting, is this long distance?

I met a girl over the weekend. Who i had been talking to through text for just about a year and finally came around to meeting her. We hit it off INSANELY well, i cant think of anyone Ive met that Ive felt so comfortable around after just 5 minutes of talking. she said " i really think we should hang out again soon and I'm so happy to of finally met you for real".
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don't let high expectations become a source of pain, and recognize that one good date doesn't guarantee a good relationship.


This is great advice. High expectations can really take it's toll on the early stages of dating.


Also, There is a very fine balance between showing interest and playing it cool.

Showing too much interest (desperate, clingy) vs. Acting too cool and aloof (other person might not think you are interested in them)

Keep this in mind, and for goodness sakes...try not to text too much (or 'read into' the text messages). Talk on the phone instead, or better wait to meet in person. Good luck!

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Our texting convos have never been too over the top, we talked a bit more then usual the before going out and yesterday.


I understand not coming off to eager or too cool, which is why I sought out input. I'm more a talk in person type thing.. just skeptical on when a good amount of time is to ask to meet up again.

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The million dollar question isn't it? Tonight is Valentine's Day...maybe tonight? If not, you saw her last weekend, so I'd say this Fri or Sat. You lead and suggest the venue.


I was thinking that with it be valentine's but also feel that could be a bit quick? But just my opinion. This weekend was what I had in mind originally


And also.

Thank you all for the replies.

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I was thinking that with it be valentine's but also feel that could be a bit quick?


Yes it might be too soon since it's only been a few days, so try to find something light and fun and not too imposing (not a candlelight dinner, LOL).

It's Valentine's Day, so 99% of women want to feel special today, even if its coffee or a nice walk.

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Yes it might be too soon since it's only been a few days, so try to find something light and fun and not too imposing (not a candlelight dinner, LOL).

It's Valentine's Day, so 99% of women want to feel special today, even if its coffee or a nice walk.


That's not a bad idea.. I'll suggest that maybe. Just knowing her schedule in the week it may not work out the best but.. no harm in trying

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