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Do you have regrets in life (regarding relationships)?


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I know a lot of people try to live by that motto of not having any regrets but it seems that it happens to lots of people.


I would characterize my last two years in high school as some of the best years of my life even to this day. I actually couldn't wait to get to school the next day, not so much because of the classes mind you but rather to see all my friends and see what might happen that day. I pretty much aced all my classes back then, but of course even during these years there are a couple regrets for me.


Back then during that time I was beginning to open up more to become more social and less shy than I was. I was one of those skinny, slightly nerdy types but as I said during those two years I made efforts to change myself some and it helped out a lot.


My main regret during that time was not pursuing some girls that were actively chasing after me, not literally of course, but is fun to remember that way. 8) Each and every one of them I never reciprocated because I either just simply wasn't attracted to them or the more common reason was that they were attractive but I was trying to go after someone else, which I was still not good at doing. I also had this "image" back then that I never dated any girls even though I wanted to. It was that perception by other people that sorta got to me.


Ever wish you could go back in time and just redo the small things like that? What have you done to help get over similar feelings?


I have a good life now though. I'm in a great relationship and will be getting married next year to a wonderful woman who is sexy, a great cook and red hot in every way you could want....what more could I ask for? But I think this one regret will be with me for the rest of my life....so let me offer some advice to the teenagers on this board:


Stop being shy or scared and just talk to the person you're interested in. Stop asking for so many peoples' advice or input. There are going to be times in life where you need to stop listening to everyone else and choose what's best for you, and if that means striking up a conversation with a random stranger that looks hot or asking out a friend on a date for the first time, then DO IT! You don't want to end up in the same position I'm in and wonder what might have been.

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Good advice.


I know I have a number of regrets, but what is done is done. So, you cannot worry abotu the past too much.


One big regret I have comes from the mistakes I amde in a relationship when i was in college. She was nice, beautiful, etc., and I was in LOVE. But, I made mistakes, and it ended. Have not spoken to her in many years, but know she is married. So, I regret it, but I also know that had it continued, I would not be where I am now, with who I am now, and I would really be a different person. So, there is a big area of wonder, but I don't focus on it. I'm fairly happy now.

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Stop being shy or scared and just talk to the person you're interested in. Stop asking for so many peoples' advice or input. There are going to be times in life where you need to stop listening to everyone else and choose what's best for you, and if that means striking up a conversation with a random stranger that looks hot or asking out a friend on a date for the first time, then DO IT! You don't want to end up in the same position I'm in and wonder what might have been.


Great advice. Take a chance and if it goes wrong learn from it!

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If you have ever been in a relationship that ended, or you ever were too shy to ask someone out, then I think you will have some kind of regrets... If the relationship ended (even if YOU ended it), then there may be regrets of ending it or even STARTING it in the first place, but if you hadn't then you might have regretted never asking them out to begin with... Vicious cycle, eh.. Or catch-22, take your pick... ;-)


Anyway, we all make choices. Some are good, some are bad. My take on this is: If you are ever given the chance to undo a regret, then do it. For example, I recently contacted an ex-gf with whom I had lost contact and I had treated very badly at the end of our relationship. I found her address and wrote her, letting her know that I regretted what I had done and how I had done it... I made it clear that I was not looking to start anything up or anything like that, but that I wanted to get to the end of my life with as few regrets as possible (yes, regret some of the THINGS I had done or not done, but no overall major regrets). I realize it was a huge risk to step up and say 'I regretted doing that.' (and ask for forgiveness in this case) But, I had been given the chance to fix something and I took it.


Now, do I have some regrets that will NEVER be fixed? Of course. But then again, had I not made those choices, I would not be where I am and I would not be who I am... So, are they really regrets? Hard to say....

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I try to think of things i wish i had done differently as learning curves rather than regrets, we need to make mistakes so we can do it better next time, as long as you learn something it wasn't all bad. And well done to SouthernSon for suggesting everyone have a little faith in their own judgement.

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i regret the time when i told my best friend that i am falling in love with him...because after that.. things changed with the two of us...

and i miss my best friend...i miss our friendship...

i dont know how am i going to bring back the time...

i need your advice.


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I totally regret rebelling against my parents, and getting involved with my son's dad. That is why I'm in therapy. I'm supposed to get over the fact I have child with problems who is a constant reminder of the worst decision of my life.


If you have advice on how to overcome that I would love to hear it.

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I know exactly how it feels. In my senior year of high school I should have been more sociable with this girl Kristi that obviously liked me. After graduation, by the time things had turned around in my life and I got the nerve up to call her, I found out she was literally moving the next day. I never got ahold of her, but I did leave her a message. When I look back on it, sure I made a mistake, I shouldn't have waited so long, but I would never change what has already happened in my life. You won't get anywhere by regretting the infinite number of other possibilities that could or should have been taken. It is much better to learn from your mistakes and use that knowledge in the life you live right now. Hey, maybe you'll have another chance, or find someone different, you never know what could happen. But by regretting your mistakes, those opportunities will pass you by too.

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No regrets here. Everything thats happened in my life, everything I have done both good and bad have served to make me the person I am today. I am proud of that person and wouldn't change a thing about my life. Even not overcoming my fears of admitting my feelings for a girl in the past has been beneficially to me now. Now that for the first time ever someone is actually interested in me, I realize that I shouldn't waste this opportunity. Not doing so in the past taught me to value the chance when it comes along, a lesson that I needed to learn from experiences in the past. Even the things you wish you could have done differently were necessary in your life to teach you a lesson.

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I used to regret many things i did in my final year of high school. But now I realize that if I hadn't done those things I wouldn't be where I am today. For example, if I hadn't told my friend that I liked him as more than a friend, I wouldn't have found out what a jerk he was! lol


Just live life for every moment and don't regret anything, or you'll find yourself wondering over a whole list of "what if?"s for the rest of your life. Everything happens for a reason

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i regret that i wasnt strong enough to do what i really wanted to do.

waited too long before ending things with my bf, now, he's more hurt because of what ive. though i dnt regret doing it...


yeah, its true, regretting things done in the past just wastes our energy

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