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Knowing that he's out there, No contact is hard!!!!!!!

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Knowing that he's out there, still looking at my phone, can't sleep at night, dreaming of him doesn't help.... I know that if he truly loved me he would phone, and he hasn't. Then why is it so hard for me to let go? As each day passes, it's sinking deeper and deeper that he is getting on with his life (he broke up with me).... but I just seem to still be stuck. I don't want to waste my energy like this...


He went away on a trip for 5 days without me, then said his phone had no coverage, then he text me once, that was it, haven't heard from him since, which is about a 5 days ago. He told me he did love me in the text.... love? Is that love?


I am trying not to phone him or text him, I want to so much.... should I?


Thanks for listening to me, I really appreciate it so much...

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People deal with things differently. Just because he went on a trip and didn't call doesn't mean he doesn't love you or care BUT even if he does love you that does not necessarily have anything to do with wanting to be with you. I think the best thing you can do for yourself now is to do what he's doing...get out of the house and go somewhere...do some activity...it will help a little.

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wait this trip thing did this happen after you 2 broke up?? its clear you know where you stand. if its over then leave it at that you have to distance yourself at least for now. no calling him and lallalala, i mean if you two are broken up and he did the dumping then you need to show him you dont really care it doesnt really bother you. truts me im battling with the pain right now. just try your best and avoid contacting him. if he does fine but dont give him that. dont mention us listening, just hope it helps

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I also suggest keeping your distance. As the dumpee ( and trust me, I've been there, it sucks) you know that for whatever reason he is choosing not to be with you, and it is out of your hands.


It hurts, and it's lousy, but like the other posters suggest, try to get out on your own and do things you like to do, to help keep your mind off him.


No, you should not call him. If it were up to you, you guys would be together now. Keep your distance, If he is smart, he will realize what he's lost and you'll be getting that call. Remember, actions speak louder than words.


If not, as we're so not fond of hearing these days....."he's just not that into you." That is your license to get on with your life and sooner or later you'll meet someone who values all your wonderful qualities and wouldn't dream of leaving.


Best of luck and stay strong.

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Breakups are extremely painful. Maybe he just needs some time. He did say he loves you, but he is also the one who ended it. You are understandably confused. Maybe he is, too. Work on yourself, get reaquainted with what makes you happy. I know this is easier said than done. Break down your time into manageable pieces. Try being happy and productive doing something you love (and not missing him) for an hour. Gradually increase it. Journal your thoughts and feelings and phone or email friends, rather than contacting him. Plan something fun with friends and family, even if you don't initially feel like it. Eventually, you will. Good luck.

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