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I don't know what to do...


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Girl I have been seeing off and on we been in no contact for 2 weeks. We got into a argument because I wanted to be serious and she was unsure. She's unsure because we been thru some things and its been times she wanted to be serious and I didn't. Push pull. We didn't talk all night after the argument but the next day she left my place and we haven't spoke since. Usually she is the one that reaches out after we have a blowup so I am thinking about contacting her. Basically saying I don't want that argument we had to be the last thing we say to each other and I just want to say my peace since its a new year.


so 2 weeks no contact should I text her or leave it alone. This is truly someone that's close to me but I need some type of answer from her after the "unsure" argument so I can move on.

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How long have you been seeing each other?


You could call her and express your apologies, however if she doesn't want to pursue things further she could be using this argument as a way to make a "clean break".


More than likely if you call her, you're probably going to get her VM. Leave a message and say that you want to talk. If she doesn't call you back, then chalk it up as a loss. Two weeks over an argument with someone you're dating is absurd.


Good luck.


I'm going to edit this post. Is this the same girl from a previous post?


But it turned into an emotional abusive and manipulating relationship. Mostly on her part, She will say some things to try to hurt my ego and self esteem and I began to turn into that after a lot of breaking up and making up. Now we are at a point where we are attached to each other. I don't understand it at all, she will say some very rude things and I would say some very rude things also and we will go sometime without communicating but eventually we will start talking again. She has a tainted past and she is currently at my house as we speak in my bed while I'm at work. Just 3-4 weeks ago we had a blow up and ended up not talking for a week until she contacted me.


It could be she's done with the toxic relationship. It sounds like there was too much to be mended. After reading your previous post, I'd probably work on you before entering or continuing any relationship.

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Is it over or was it just a huge fight? When you say "more serious" what do you mean? If you are unsure if it's a breakup or cooling off then reach out once and ask "where are we now?" and then leave it.

We got into a argument because I wanted to be serious and she was unsure. She's unsure because we been thru some things and its been times she wanted to be serious and I didn't. I need some type of answer from her after the "unsure" argument so I can move on.
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Is it over or was it just a huge fight? When you say "more serious" what do you mean? If you are unsure if it's a breakup or cooling off then reach out once and ask "where are we now?" and then leave it.


That's the thing I don't know if its over I asked her did she want to be more serious with me basically exclusive until we make it official bf/gf and she said she didn't know.

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