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Omg i am crying right now i got domped i her resoan was she

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First off, if you need to cry then make sure you are crying somewhere you are alone in your own privacy. It's perfectly okay to be crying & letting out all the emotions you have towards her whether they be good or bad! No body likes to be dumped, I know what that feels, has happened to me more than once in my past! If you don't release your emotions & bottle it up or repress them, then it will affect your future relationships with other ladies, but most importantly with yourself! Keep in mind that you are still young, she may have been your first gf or first love who you can hold a special place in your heart which is normal as well. But talk to people or your family who ever you feel comfy in confiding to your deepest thoughts & feelings. Then make time for yourself of what you truly enjoy in terms of hobbies, or any new activities you always wanted to learn! Once you keep your priorities straight with school & preparing your future, you will see that by her dumping you will be a learning experience. I believe every bad thing that happens to me, I try my best to figure out what I learned from it, try not to repeat the same mistakes in the future & to better myself as a wholesome person! There will be plenty of ladies out there for you later on, don't worry about it. Realize that by her dumping you, that she does not like you as much as you thought & you deserve to be with someone who likes you mutually as well! It's better that this happen to you now then dragging it later on & wasting both of her & your time if she has already mentally checked out.

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I'm so sorry to hear this. It sounds like the way she did it was pretty mean. Some people are pretty heartless, but I find it generally comes back to bite them.


It's not easy to just forget and move on, but it's easier if you realize that this girl was not the person you thought she was if she could break up with you so abruptly. There are so many girls out there who will like you for you, so dry your tears - and go out and find one who deserves you more than this girl obviously did. Keep a brave front, be pleasant if you see her - don't let her see she got to you. You will get over this, I promise. Just don't let her mean actions make you think anything less of yourself.

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Anyone who can break up with you at a party like that is not worth the heartache. You were obviously misled about what sort of person she is and now you have found out. So the person you were in love with never really existed.

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You stop crying, man up,

Yeah give him a break!


He's just being dumped of course he's going to feel hurt and want to cry so what!? That was harsh!


Anyway, I am sorry to hear that. Hang in there and try to forget her, try to move on! I know it's easier said than done but it helps to concentrate on something fun like a hobby or something.


Take care! Post us if you want to chat we are always here



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hay skyfire what is your problem men cry and i am 15 so don't get on my case i loved her we have been friends for 3 yrs going out for 3 days and it hard to undersand it becuz she wants me to go out with her friend!!!!


Its alright to cry.


What I ment is that you should stop worrying so much because a girl dumped you. Plus you forgot to mention that you were best friends, that makes things different.


A reason she broke up might be that her friend likes you, and she felt bad for her.


Stay friends with her. I went out with a really good friend, and it ended in disaster, ruining the friendship.


Next time, give all the info


Good luck, sorry if I was harsh.

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