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I had to go with my gut feeling.....


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As you all know about the online relationship where we only met twice. Well I re-evaluated it and realized something abitbroken once said "He should move heaven and earth." He just couldn't and wouldn't and to be honest I can't do long distance. I thought I could but at least I gained a friendship out of this. We are going to continue to be friends and be friends on Facebook and Skype sometimes and email. So I don't feel a big loss because I have his friendship. The truth is we didn't really have a relationship because it wasn't in person dating.


My advice for those getting into online/long distance relationships.


Make sure it's 100% right for you! Distance can be hard starting out. I can see if you are already boyfriend and girlfriend and one of you moves making it work but starting off at a distance Is brutal.


Make sure you have set plans to see each other as much as you can.


I feel sad and heartbroken but also a relief because we both ended things peacefully and came to the conclusion we just weren't compatible. He said he needed somebody more equestrian and active outdoors.


I am more of a homebody. I like to stay in read, write and watch movies.


I learned if anything I learned a great deal more about myself and what I want.


Next time it won't be long distance.



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I think I remember one of your topics about him being more outgoing or more into outdoors activities, well at least it ended well... If that is well and you two are in good terms. You're right, long distance is hard but its a great learning experience, at least for me. I wish you the best.

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