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Is it wrong of me to want to dump 37 year old jobless, hypochondriac bf?


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It's been hard everyone. I miss him but I finally let go of him. In doing no contact and not going to talk to him at all. He's a nasty spirited person and im glad to be rid of him. It's amazing the facade some people put on and how blind I was. I WAS DEALING WITH a full blown narcissistic, man child with a tendency to verbally bash me. Screw that, I am moving onwards. It's conflicting because on one hand I don't like that he thinks poorly of me, but on another I could care less.

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It sounds absurd but considering everything, I feel glad that I didn't meet him. I'm glad that I didn't let someone like that touch me or get close to me in person. I know the reality is it would have been a nightmare had I decided to really move out to be with him. Total toxic situation and I dodged a bullet, and years and years of heartache. I'm still young thankfully. I love him still in some twisted messed up way, but I would never go back.

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I'm sorry he's turned on you chocolatenoose, but it's good that you're not tied to him anymore. Now you have the emotional space to meet someone who will be good for you.

Yes!! I'm not going to focus on that for awhile though. I have a lot of growth and change to do inside of myself, so I am never susceptible to falling for someone like this again. Someday I will be emotionally ok and ready to open up my heart to someone who deserves all that I offer. Also, it's ok that he's turned on me. Like Winston Churchill said "You've got enemie? Good, that means you stood up for something in your life." In this case, I stood up for myself, had some dignity, found my self respect again and walked away like I should have done when I first started seeing Bright Rex Flags. Better late than never though! Thankyou very much for the response!

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I sort of have same issue. I'm 25, involved with a 35 year old man. (2 broken engagements and one divorce, ) me never married. I feel so caught up in my own thoughts. At times I feel should give him more time, then my intuition says something else ...

I'm just going to say this... from my experience and what I know now. RUN. JUST DON'T DO IT GIRL. It's not worth it. If this man is anything like my ex was, then he will literally never change. I'm not sure all about your situation but is your bf unemployed, having people pay bills for him, carless, has a track record of bad relationships? If so... JUST RUN. Your intuition is right. Mine was also right, and it took way too long for me to listen to it. Don't make the same mistake I did. All the best to you.

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