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Hey guys should i call her or wait for her call.


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Hey people,i need advice on a girly i have know for years...

some back ground info..we went to junior high together..i remember she liked me at time..but i was very shy, i guess we were just kids ....but anyz..this girl was a year lower then me, so i finish junior high and went to highschool..when she finish junior high, she went to the same high school i went to..i still knew she had a thing for me..but for some reason i never really took notice of her, even though she was pretty..i was interested in other girls or playing too much soccer.. anyz while at highschool in year 9 and 10 she used to hang out with the same ppl i hanged out..we didnt talk much..but occasionally..i was pretty shy..

once at a teen party..we did hook up..and well i can say i lost my virginity to her..we were very young soo i mean we hardly knew what we were doing but we got together...anyz that doesnt really matter now since is soo long ago about 11 years...after we hooked up for some reason we never talked again..we never dated.. years went passed we got older..i finish high school and never saw her again..until recently, last week to my surprise i bumped into this girl in the city..i couldnt believe it..we talked for abit..and we were pretty happy to see eachother..i was gonna ask her for her number but she beat me to it and ask for mine..so we exchange numbers and she even suggested we should go for a drink sometime..i said definate, ill call you..anyways this was last friday.. i didnt wanna seem desperate or anything so i waited to call her till sunday afternoon..it was a short conversation, i asked her if she wanted to get together sometime this week. she goes yeah sure..i ask when she would be free she said she was pretty tied up with university but on the weeknd would be cool..but i told her this weeknd most likely wasnt going to be good for me..she then said well how abouts i give you a call during the week to see whats happening? and i said yeah ok, sounds good...it all sounds great..but this is the problem...i waited for her call since monday.. its thrusday now and she never called...i sent her a txt msg last nite and got no reply...now my question is..whats up with this girl...did she loose interst in having a drink with me....should i call her again..or let it go

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Let it go for now. Maybe for a few weeks and let her call you. She did tell you she is pretty busy so give her the benefit of the doubt. If she hasn't called in, say, two weeks, give her a ring and see what's up. Much more than that out of you and you WILL appear desperate. Stay cool man.

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It sounds like during the conversation she was being cordial, I wouldnt stress over this too much. At this point I dont think that she is willing to put in too much effort. Its not a big deal but she said that she would give you a call, if she does then she does, if not then oh well. Next time when a person says that they are going to call, think of it more as a joke, meaning that they wont be calling. Yes that is a jaded approach but thats how things seem to work out otherwise you will just disappoint yourself.

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Hey guys thanks for your advice..i think ill let it go for now..she has got my number..on the msg i sent her i said that i was going to be free on saturday and if she wanted to do something to let me know..maybe she will call sometime soon..tomorrow is saturday..anyz if she calls she calls if she doesnt, nothing lost nothing gained..i will give her call eventually..to see whats up but i think ill wait a few days ...i mean she could have not got my msg or lost my number or something like that but i very much doubt so..


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  • 5 years later...

A lot of responses here i agree with. Call her, but not to soon as you'll seem overeager.


It's gonna suck, but do wait a couple of days for her callback. You already sent her the text, and you know she's got it. Women are never without their phones.


The thing is, she most likely won't call. So be ready for it. When it happens, call her one more time. If she's still showing disinterest, move on. Don't waste your time.

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