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how many time do people usually masturbate?

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hi guys,


i have a girlfriend, and we have sex once or twice a week, but i still masturbate at least once a day. my girlfriend thinks i'm addictied to masturbation and it's kind of weird not to have sex with her as often as i mastuebate. i was wondering how many times do y'all usually masturbate. masturbating at least once a day is too much? should i do it less?



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its different for everyone and i don't think that once a day is abnormal, especially for a guy your age. I'm a girl, and even I do it at least 5 times a week. I don't think you need to do it less - but make sure you let your girlfriend know that doing it with her is a million times better than doing it yourself - its' common to feel threatened by this kind of thing...that you aren't 'needed' kind of thing.

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Masterbation is only a problem if it becomes an addiction or it has reprocussions in your relationship. What your gf is telling you is something thats subjective, she feels that masterbating is once a day, now because she says that doesnt make it excessive. That is merely her opinion, but if she would like you to decrease the masterbation frequency then would she be willing to have more sex?

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thanks for your advice!


my girlfriend thinks it's kind of rude to musturbate more often than to have sex with her. i love having sex with her, but masturbation gives me totally different feelings. mauturbation is completely different than sex. i masturbate everyday no matter how much i get from her(as i said, once or twice a week basis,) which she thinks is rude. i'm totally happy with once or twice a week sex with her and masturbation everyday, but should i have sex with her more to satisfy her? is that what she wants? i want to satisft her, but at the same time, i don't want to have sex that often. but if she's complaining about my masturbation because she doesn't get enough from me, maybe i should have sex more? what do you think?


dose anyone who masturbates often no matter how much you get from your partner?

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Just curious startruckwows... I know you say that masterbation is completely different than sex. But, which do you prefer? Like if you had to choose. I'm just very curious because I feel the same way as your gf in that I'd love to have sex all the time instead of masterbation...or if not sex, just something with my boyfriend in general. I love to share with him...it's more of a turn on isn't it ?


With reference to the original post...I would say masterbating everday is fine. But if you have the alternative of having more sex...why not take that?

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well, i love sex with my girlfriend, she's wonderful. but masturbation is different, i can't choose sex or masturbation. probably i can live without sex as i masturbate, but i want to have sex, as it feels good. the reason i don't want to have sex often is because if we have sex all the time, it gets boring, i mean, i don't want it to be routine or anything, i want it to be special. i don't want to have sex just because i have sex urge. i want to have sex when i want to feel sexual and feel like making love to my girlfriend, not just to relieve my sex urge. this might not make sense, but this is how i feel about sex. it's very difficult to choose sex or masturbation for me.

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i've talked about this issue with my girlfriend when she said it's rude for me to masturbate more often than to have sex with her. i asked her if she's not getting enough. she said it's not like i'm not getting enough and i'm sexually frustrated, but it's rude to masturbate more often than to have sex with me, especially we meet almost everyday, i don't get sex everyday. that's what she said. and the conversation was over. after that, i asked her if viewing porn bothers her, she said she doesn't mind. what am i doing wrong then??

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I can sort of see where you are coming from in that you don't want sex to be almost like using her, so-to-speak, just to get off. I guess she just wonders why you don't have more sexual urges towards her when you're with her than you do when you are alone.


Girls don't really know how guys work. All we know is that you guys are usually horny all the time and we want to be the ones that make you horny. I think women want to feel sexy and irresistible so that you want to jump us all the time.


Also, about the porn...she might just feel like 'sure porn is okay to watch when you can't have me...but you should want me more than porn'. You know? I think she might just feel insulted that you don't find it more arousing to look at her naked and to experience sex with her everyday instead of alone. I still don't understand why guys are like that. Is it because you don't want to come off like horn-dogs or because you're shy about your sexual desires and drive?

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i don't think i have high sex drive, i'm perfectly fine with once or twice a week basis sex. i don't have to have sex everyday. the reasons why i masturbate more often than to have sex with her is because i don't want sex to be boring, i don't want to use my girlfriend just as an object, and i love masturbationg. my girlfriend said that porn is ok, and she's not sexually frustrated, then i don't understand what bothers her. i understand that she's upset because it seems like i choose masturbation over sex with her, but i usually masturbate before i meet her, not when we're together. well, i've masturbated a couple of times while she was sleeping, but usually i do it when i'm alone and before i meet her.

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maybe my girlfriend wants sex more, but when i asked her if she's sexually frustrated, she said no. she said it's not like i'm not getting enough from you. maybe sex doesn't get boring, but i think if i have sex everyday, sex becomes normal, no special feelings. still, i feel good, and i enjoy sex, but it'd be not the same sensation i get from having sex with my girlfriend once or twice a week. i don't want to get used to the special feelings, thats why i don't want to have sex everyday.

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Well, it seems like you're happy and that you two are doing good. If she continues to be insulted with the fact that you masterbate everyday then there probably is some other issue that she isn't being open about.


Good luck with everything.

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  • 4 years later...

I don't think it's excessive either, and I have always masturbated throughout my previous relationships.


Having sex is obviously great for lots of reasons, including the level of intimacy it creates with your partner, but masturbation can feel just as good if not better. I have lots of practice

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