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Finally happy; ex wants to come back, but I don't want it anymore because I fell


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So I've been here for a long time now. I already had one or two threads about my story.


Past two years were a really rollercoaster. So many things happened. But which got me most was my ex broke up with me.


That was exactly two years ago. I wanted him back so bad. We were in contact the whole time, sometimes more and sometimes less.

We also had sex now and then but he always clearly said that we won't have a chance ever again.


I tried to date, met really awesome guys but I never was ready for someone else because my ex was the only one I could think of and always wanted.


Just a month ago we had sex again. After texting for almost six months constantly.

A few days later he texted me saying that we shouldn't do this smalltalk think any longer and that I always said we couldn't be friends ever and so on. Something within happened then.

That was around the time that we just found out my mom also had some metastasis in her brain.


There was this guy I was texting with for over a year already. We met a few times but I guess I never was ready because of my ex.


So we always said I'd visit him. He lives in a different country, 2 hrs drive from here. So I just bought train tickets and drove there. That was the best decision I ever made!


I had a wonderful carefree weekend. He was so sweet and we had so much fun! I even met his whole family and some friends.


Something between us happened there that weekend. I think we somehow fell in love.


That was a few weeks ago and now we just can't get enough of each other. I'm happier than I was for such a long time now.


And the funny part is, my ex went totally crazy. He's probably seen a picture of my new bf and me and started texting that he wants a last talk with me, to talk about everything and so on. I ignored his message.

A few days later another text came and again I ignored it.


He went crazy and bombarded me with more than 15 texts and I ignored him.

I just don't want him anymore in my life. It's too late. He had two years to get me back but he didn't want to, so why now?


Probably only his pride which is broken now. He's afraid that he can't have me anymore. He can play this dirty games with someone else now. He really just used me well aware of my feelings for him.


So sorry, I don't owe him anything!


I never would have thought that he would come back to me ever! I just prayed every day that I can forget him. I knew he wasn't any good for me or my future.


So you see everything can change in an heartbeat, just never give up.


I hope my new guy stays in my life forever because I'm really in love with him.


And for my ex I wish him peace with himself.


I wish all of you all the best and the things you wish for!



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Agree with Wiseman. Congrats on being healed and recovered, now block the ex and make sure he's not out to sabotage your new relationship.


I've had it happen more than once. A simple, "I am over you and healed, I wasn't going to sit up on a shelf for you, so get over it and goodbye," either texted, said or just thought and then blocking and deleting them is totally the way to go.


Go enjoy a new day and leave the ex far, far behind. As you said it's hurt pride and/or he's just not doing well right now himself, so he's hoping to use you and would then discard you again.


I'm sorry, but love isn't a contest although some people treat it like it is. Just block and delete the ex. There is zero reason to have him in your life at all.

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Congrats on the new guy. Block your ex, he sounds like a jerk. Your happiness is more important than his possessive idiocy.


You're right, the only thing what is left is to block him and that will be my next move


And yes he's the biggest jerk ever!!


Thank you! All the best!

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Agree with Wiseman. Congrats on being healed and recovered, now block the ex and make sure he's not out to sabotage your new relationship.


I've had it happen more than once. A simple, "I am over you and healed, I wasn't going to sit up on a shelf for you, so get over it and goodbye," either texted, said or just thought and then blocking and deleting them is totally the way to go.


Go enjoy a new day and leave the ex far, far behind. As you said it's hurt pride and/or he's just not doing well right now himself, so he's hoping to use you and would then discard you again.


I'm sorry, but love isn't a contest although some people treat it like it is. Just block and delete the ex. There is zero reason to have him in your life at all.


Yeah I really don't want him to sabotage my new relationship just because he's hurt in his pride. That's why I'll block him. I don't need him and his bad energy in my life!


Thank you! Wish you all the best!

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I've had many people tell me nothing helps more then a new person to get over your ex. This is true under some circumstances. I wish you the best just remember it's only been a couple weeks. Good luck


That's true somehow. But it never worked with me until now. I think I needed that time. But now the new guy just made it easier to let go of the last little hope I had.

If I had started a relationship with this guy a year ago it would've fallen apart.

Time was now I guess. Hope it lasts because I'm really happy and wish everyone the happiness I'm feeling right now


Thank you and all the best!

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