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How do you get their phone number?


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Not a problem........walk right up to him, look him in the eye and say..... " Hey here is my cell # I would like to have yours if you don't mind, I would like to get to know you better.......I'm sure he won't mind, and let nature take it's course.


Good luck !!!!!






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I bet the oppurtunity is there more than you think. Next time your talking & a common interest comes up,mention that you guys should hang out outside of work. & then boom! numbers can be exchanged. This is usually easier if one or both of you has a cell phone on you so there's is no fumbling trying to find a pen & paper though.

Good luck!

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Here's my basic approach to get phone numbers applied to your situation.


While you're working, leaving work together, on a lunch break pretty much whenever you would have an opportunity to have a short conversation with him bring up a comment about your surroundings.


Nobody will EVER think "hey what the hell is this person doing asking me such a normal question?"


Yeah basically just get the conversation started like that and after a few minutes say whatever version of this you feel more comfortable saying "So do you wanna do something together, sometime ?" (its very non threatening, it doesnt specify a specific time or place, so its kind of neutral and gets the job done.)


If they reply yes then the rest is simple "So you wanna give me a phone number ? (laugh a little bit)".


IF they say no ... well uh rejection is part of life.


Hope i helped

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I agree with jessijess.


You can always pop in at the right moment to get the number.


For me, i am those direct girl, who just approach and ask, hey what are you doing after work today? or things like that, and ask can i keep in contact with you, after work, and laff it off -- i hope i am not disturbing you.


And usually, guys do give.

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You should tell him something like.. "Hey I had fun today, here's my number if you want to get together sometime" it's not too forward, or pushy or anything like that....plus it will let him know he won't get rejected.

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