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Thelittle light at the end of the tunnel has just diminished

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I had to stop by my ex's house today to p/u some money that he owed me. HE came out of his house gave me the money and said goodbye. I like an idiot shouted out I'll miss you. I honestly didnt regret it but he is such an ***hole!!! The whole taking it slooow bit was just not for me. I personally felt that it doesnt work when two people are living the single life and he was telling me everything in hoew he went out gome home at 10 in the morning well actually slept at his friends...whatever...I want to be with him and he wants to have his cake and eat it too...I feel like he wanted to just have me ther by saying that he wanted to take it slow...meanwhil there was no direction cuz he doesnt want a relationship right now!!! I hate that i put myself in such a situation . I mean I know that this was bound to come some time cuz of the age difference...but hey love took a toll on me.. He wanted to take things slooow so it wont be wrong to have sex or go out or doing anything as we were lovers...I was like oh hell no im not doing this...I will be strong and get on with my life...I have literally chased after him for four months now i think its time for him to do/show anything for me in regard to showing me love or respect and if he doesnt then its meant to not be!...Can u guys shead some advice or opinions ...I would greatly appreciate it...Im so desperate right now...I feel pitiful

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Yup - MetallicAguy, for being only 14, is wise beyond his years. girl - you've been posting about this guy so often. All he does is bring you heartache. I think that a relationship should uplift you. It should make you happy. Life is filled with so much pain in the first place - cancer, death, taxes.... a relationship shouldn't add to that list of stress.


Time to start the healing. NC, of course. Take that money and go get a facial, a manicure, and a massage. Call your friends - stay busy. Go out, go to the gym, go do stuff, anything. Take up a new hobby, get a puppy. Anything but chase this man - It's time to finish this relationship with him.

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But it will also be a fun and exciting time as well, don't forget that. You'll be fine. Do what Annie24 said, take care of yourself, treat your self. I feel we forget about ourselves too much,that it feels awkward to pamper ourselves just once. Don't feel guilty, or think guilty... be well.

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Oh yeah - I know - It won't be easy - It sucks... really it does. Just focus on getting through one day at a time. After my most recent breakup, I was so happy to go to class, just because it's another 50 minutes where I didn't have to think about him...


Keep your mind busy. Just remember, that every day that goes by, it will get easier to get over him... Sometimes, you get relapses when you bump into them on the street, or in Fif Angel's case, you see their photo in the national newspaper.


Now is the time to do things you've been putting off for a while. Clean out your closets, learn racquetball, if that's what you've always wanted to do. Find some interesting books or videos.


It's ok -- hang in there!!!

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