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EMERGENCY!! this will effect me the rest of my life.....

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I cant believe what happened today! I was in Mr. Smith's history class and he toook up our homework. My best friend and I share the same history book and I left my paper in the book. He took it and wrote bad words, and mean things (I mean they were TERRIBLE) about Mr. Smith, his wife, and his mom.....


Mr Smith, knows that I didnt do it but he took me to the office anyways and now the principal is going to give me OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION for 10 DAYS ... unless i tell who did it first thing tomorrow morning. What am I going to do?


If I tell on my friend he will fail for the year and have to re-take 9th grade next year and I'll never see him, his parents will hate me and... I wont be able to deal with it....


But If I take the blame its going to hurt me.... plus EVERYONE knows my best friend did it and its spreading around school fast. I told him to just deny it and I would keep covering for him and maybe the principal would let me off. I cant turn him in..... I really need some advice...


I was thinking maybe my friend could call Mr. Smith tonight and apologize and beg not to be suspended because he would fail and all.... Our principal wants to see me 1st things tomorrow morning so I can tell him, he was so mad today he just sent me off...


I can really use some advice, I dont want to lose my best friend... help..

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Forst off, your parents need to be on the phone with that principal defending you, and fighting this whole situation. This sounds very 1950's Leave it to beaver kind of stuff that just does not apply. THis is ridiculous, and you need to do your best to speak up for yourself, and with the help of your parents in soem way, tell those principals and teachers, that although you are all sorry for the things that he read, you in no way are liable for it, and bassically that they cann all take a hike, get a grip, take a chill pill, and relax, and let you stay in school

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oh boy....ok heres the deal...first of all if you spilled the beans, your friends parents arent going to hate you...you did nothing wrong.


but if i were you id talk to your parents about all this. tell them whatsup & whats at stake...if you talk to your teachers & get all your work that needs to be done over the course of the next 2 weeks, id say hey if you wanna stick by your boy, & everyone knows you didnt do it...then id enjoy 10 days off. lol your world isnt going to end..trust me!! once your in college no one cares what the heck you got suspended for in highschool. TRUST ME. its not the end of the world. talk to your parents & confirm with all your teachers & assure them that you like them & you dindt do it, but its not worth all the drama thatll come with ratting out who did it...& that youll just take the heat for it. hey, they may even let you slide.


your boy owes you one BIG TIME!





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This is a really tough....I don't know what advice to give you, really.


It's very noble of you to take the heat from your friend...I know I wouldn't -couldn't- turn him in.


What do your parents have to say about this? Will they be wretches if you get a suspension? If your parents are on your side, it's a lot easier to battle with the school about whether your punishment fits your "crime". Definatly talk to your parents about this.


Your principle is using a very effective scare tactic to get you to talk. I disagree with his tactics; you're not a prisonor of war with valuable information, you're a kid caught with a piece of paper.


Talk with your parents about how to handle your principle. See if they can come with you to your interrogation meeting.


Your rights as a student and a person are in question. Stand up for yourself.


About whether to turn him in or not, that's mostly your decision. But it's not something I advise you to do...to much guilt involved.

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whoa.... i thought he may be "bluffing me" 10 days... come on... thats a lot for "a piece of paper"


so maybe i should talk to my teachers and see if they could let me make up my work? I make a's and b's . When you get suspended your not supposed to be able to make anything up... so maybe they would let me?

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I've never understood suspension as punishment - you now have a wonderful 2 week vacation. Even if your teachers don't let you make it up, just try to get As on the rest of your assignments, and things will be fine.


I can't believe, also, that your school would freak out about mean things written. Were there any threats? Those, administrators take seriously.


I think you should do what your conscience says... don't rat out your friend, just say that it was "a stupid joke a friend wrote" and you take responsibility for it accidently making it's way into Mr. Smith's hands. And, if they still decide to punish you, oh well. At least you can stay home, eat ice cream, and watch soap operas!


Don't worry - trust me, this will be funny in 5 years. Take care!

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its not just a 'piece of paper' depending what he wrote it could be harassment. talk to your teachers. try to get your work & definitly talk to your parents. if this is going to effect YOUR grades, then screw it your boy needs to grow up & you dont deserve to bare the burden of his mistakes. if hes 1 step away from being held back, he probably doesnt care about school as much as you do. so id keep that in the back of my mind as well.


once again, goodluck!



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Why dont you stick to your guns and say that you dont know who wrote on the paper. The paper was passed around to different people and you have no idea who wrote on it. How can they punish you if you dont know who did it? If you stick to your story then punishment seems out of the question. Get your parents involved and remember to get your story straight so you dont mess it up. NEVER volunteer information, they dont know who wrote it (unless you have said something).

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Try writing something like this:


Dear Mr. Principal,


I regret the fact that the paper about Mr. Smith should have been discovered in my history book. As you are aware, I did not write it, nor did I have any part of writing it. Had I known, I would not have allowed it to be sent. I feel badly for Mr. Smith and would not be that disrespectful.


I also regret that I cannot tell you who did this. My sense of honor will not allow me do so. I ask that you understand my motives. I realise that you have a duty to find who did, but hope you will realise why I have made this decision and respect my reasons for making it.


To be suspended from school for ten days as a result of this decision is something I may have to accept as the price of my sense of honor, but I hope that you will change your mind.


Yours respectfully,




Copy to Mr. Smith

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It's very, VERY simple... If your friend is willing to let you take the fall (especially with a punishment this major) over a stupid stunt that HE pulled, then what kind of a friend is he really? Tell the truth. Do not worry about this friendship. If it's worth having, your friend will understand. Maybe not right away, but if he is truly your friend, he won't blame you for his stupid actions.


On top of that, you have to consider what else is at stake here. If everyone knows that someone else did this, but that you're willing to get busted, it will follow you through school and not in a good way. Your teachers will start to treat you differently. They won't trust you-your word will mean mud from here on out- and I guarantee that people who know you will lose a little respect because you did not stand up for yourself and for what is right. Your friend's actions are not worth YOU getting suspended over.


I won't go into details, but take it from someone who knows.....

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It's very, VERY simple... If your friend is willing to let you take the fall (especially with a punishment this major) over a stupid stunt that HE pulled, then what kind of a friend is he really? Tell the truth. Do not worry about this friendship. If it's worth having, your friend will understand. Maybe not right away, but if he is truly your friend, he won't blame you for his stupid actions.


Ditto....a real friend wouldn't put you in this position.

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Sorry but your friend needs to pay the consequence. He's immature enough to write **** on your homework like "I did your mom and your wife at the same time" or something like that then he needs to re-take 9th grade. It's his fault he caused it on himself. If he wanted to talk **** then he could of just joked around with you about it at lunch or some other place where the teacher isn't watching and it's not quiet. Dude stop taking the blame for people, don't let him get away with it. What kind of friend jokes around then makes you risk OUT OF SCHOOL 10 DAY SUSPENSION. That **** is on your permanent record dude. Not worth it let him take the blame. He's an idiot for doing it in the first place. lol. Should of just talked **** about it after class.

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Your friend needs to take the heat. He did it. He needs to own it.


It's all very noble to be loyal, but you should talk to your friend tonight and help him figure out what he's going to to say to the principal tomorrow. It's a step of maturity for him to own up.


I would also talk to one of the teachers that you think is reasonable. Ask him or her for advice and help. It does seem unreasonable to suspend you for something someone else did, or to suspend you for not snitching. If the teachers care at all, they would talk to your principal and tell him who did it and get you off the hook.

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