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it wont go in!!

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now that me and my boyf have been together for a yr we decided to have sex. Im a virgin but hes not ( i do mind) but its in the past. Anyways we tried it 6 times!!! and his penis would just not go in. It hurt so much and he was doing it right it jus wouldnt go in and i feel so upset cause what if it never does go in?? help me

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The first time is always the most painful.


My first sexual experience was exactly like yours....it simply wouldn't go in and well..to be honest...it's happened a lot more times afterwards too. I just put it down to the fact that I'm not aroused enough (like..I mean...not wet enough down there...) for it to be easy to get in. Basically, the female fluids (...not sure what else to call them...) are like a lubricant and if your body isn't producing them then it'll make it harder to get in.


As Empathy said...try some lubricant but sometimes, this can cause problems with condoms and make them weak...but I'm sure you can buy condoms which already have it on...especially made crap if you know what I mean

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I share the experience of Dgirllamius


The first time I was like my god, do i have to enjoy this? Let's go back to just hand-jobs


Try a lubricant, and it surely won't help if you are getting more stressed about this! Start having sex by giving each other a sweet and relaxing massage, put on some soft lounge music and really take the time to try. It will get easier, it takes practice





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thanks! we did have lubricant condoms though i think? he kept saying put your legs up so he could get in..hopefully il jus have to bare the pain for a few mins..also when it didnt go in he took his dick out n through the condom away...n put anotha 1 on y was dat?n also he wasnt erected so had to make it hard again is that normal?

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the best thing to do is try and relax and just think about what is happeing at the time and not what is going to happen, also if you use lubricant as well it will make it easier, the key is relax and enjoy yourself, everyones first time is aways nervous and feels sore but you will over come it

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I thought this was one of the more simple questions to answer on this forum, Morky. Are you looking for more graphic explanation? I think you can fill in the gaps yourself.


LilR, you also say you do mind that he's not a virgin. Are you really ready to move to the level of having sex with him? Things can be much more difficult when you are worried about his past, or stressed out by being unexperienced. You should only have sex with the person you really feel relaxed with. Did he ask you if you were ready for it? Is he gentle about it? I wouldn't use help from lubricants if the issue is in fact that you don't feel comfortable enough to have sex with him (or anyone) yet. It's a big step.


Take care,



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