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Hey everyone!


check out some of the strangest phobias exsisting today!


ablutophobia-fear of washing or bathing

albuminurophobia-fear of kidney disease

bathophobia-fear of depth

bibliophobia-fear of books

aphenphosphobia- fear of being touched

catagelophobia-fear of being ridiculed

cenophobia-fear of new things or ideas

chirophobia-fear of hands

chronophobia-fear of time

coprophobia-fear of feces

clinophobia-fear of going to bed

ecophobia-fear of going home

emetophobia-fear of vomiting

dikephobia-fear of justice

dendrophobia-fear of trees

dextrophibia-fear of things on the right side of the body

genuphobia-fear of knees

geumaphobia-fear of taste

graphophobia-fear of handwriting

gynephobia-fear of women

hendonophobia-fear of feeling pleasure

homichphobia-fear of fog

kymophobia-fear of waves

ligyrophobia-fear of loud noises


if you would like more id be glad to post them, these are some of the interesting ones!

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nice one DN!




kolpophobia-fear of genitals, particularly female

lachanophobia-fer of vegetables

liticaphobia-fear of lawsuits

logophobia-fear of words

levophobia-fear of things to the left side of the body

apotemnophobia-fear of persons with amputations

arithmophobia-fear of numbers

asthenophobia-fear of fainting or weakness

atychiphobia-fear of failure

hippopotomonstosesquippedaliophobia-fear of long words (i swear this is a true phobia name)!!!

lyssophobia-fear of becoming mad

mageircocphobia-fear of cooking

myxophobia-fear of slime

mycrophobia-fear of small things

nomatophobia-fear of names

novercaphobia-fear of stepmothers

ommetaphobia-fear of eyes

oneirogmophobia-fear of wet dreams

olfactophobia-fear of smells

ophidiophobia-fear of being stared at

sophophobia-fear of dependence on others


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next guy i go out with better not have

kolpophobia-fear of genitals, particularly female


lol this is some pretty interesting stuff. though i bet it has potential to ruin people's lives....but hey it makes for interesting conversation. so i guess it balances itself out at the end huh. hehehe



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yeah its only for conversation purposes only, not to ruin lives!!


it also heightens the awareness of the growing mental illnesses in this world. not saying that people should know this stuff, but it always there if needed


i know chillout. im just saying, people who have these phobias are probably so traumatized living with them everyday of their lives. im not saying this POST is ruining lives. i actually find it quite interesting.



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Yeah, DN,


But the thing gets me most is fear of money. Well, I never! I can't for the life of me figure that one out....




I think it is really the fear of diseases on it )filthy lucre etc.).


But if someone really does fear it, they are welcome to ease their terror by giving it to me.

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