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How many of u have done nothing with a girl or guy

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Shinobie! You shouldn't worry about this, really. I was kissed first at 19. I had boyfriends before and they would try to kiss me, but I didn't like the idea of their mouths so close lol.


You sound insecure, you say you're ugly. Well, that's really a matter of opinion I think. We are all attracted to really different people. That's what makes the whole dating thing kind of funny I think. My friends will immediately spot someone I fancy because they feel zero about them!


For me, attraction is mostly due to the way someone looks out of his eyes.


You are 17, there's really no need to rush things just for physical experiences with girls. I'd say find a girl you'd like to date and be friends with. Get to know her, create a bond so to say.


Take care,



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Don't worry. I think theres a lot of pressure on most people to of achieved certain things by a certain age, but in reality, most people don't achieve those things - it's just people showing off, and the majority staying quiet because they don't want to seem like a looser or something. In all fairness though, good things come to those that wait.

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For me it's no girlfriend, no kiss, no date, no holding hands, pretty much nothing. To which I say: so what? Don't look at it as a curse, but a blessing. You're holding out until the right time when love finds you and takes your breath away. When it does happen it will be better then you've ever imagined. The wait will more than be worth it. This stuff isn't a race to see who gets there fastest. What matters isn't how much you've done, but knowing that when it does happen it will be with someone truly special. You'll savor the moment and all the waiting will be worth it to feel the love that you share.

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Shinobie, you are actually ahead of some!!!!


I was reading in the newspaper about this girl who was murdered...anyway when she was 22 she had never dated, kissed, or had a boyfriend, and at age 22 SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SEX was. Her family kept her sheltered....at age 22 she asked her friends what sex was. At first they thought it was a joke..but they eventually found out that this very attractive 22 year old girl really had never been told (and had been so sheltered from all the "evils" of the world by her family). So only at age 22 did she learn about sex.


ANyway, I have never dated, kissed a girl, had a girlfriend, or had sex witha girl (or a guy..LOL.). BUt I have held a girl's hand during dance class. During dance class you get to touch girls in all sorts of places (waist....back.....)...heheheheeheheh...........

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yeah ive never really kissed a girl (well i dont think a brush once counts) i had a gf for almost 5 months n we didnt do anything but hold hands....hell im 16...not 6...but yeah. Shinobie man, jus let it be. think of it this way, as shysoul said, we are waitin fer that special someone who will take our breath away. we are jus waitin. they say good things come to those who wait. so i guess the more u wait, the better "it" is huh? jus live ur life man, do wat i do: nothing. dont give it a thought. ive got girl*space*friends and my boyz are always there to chill with. jus chill n be urself, the special lady fer u will come along eventually.

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Shinobie, its best if you try to find MALE friends to help fulfill you. If you have lots of guy friends, you don't really need a girlfriend!!!! Guys can also provide comfort and advise and can care about you. Just because you have never dated, ect.....doesn't mean you have to feel hurt everyday. There are soo many great people out there--of both sexes--for YOU to get to know and befriend...


Good luck!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Shinobie, don't worry about it, I was the exact same way. I had never held hands with, kissed, dated, done anything with a girl until my current girlfriend of a year, and believe me, the wait is worth it! If you wait for it, love may evade you, but once you stop looking, it'll bite you hard in the a**. So, don't worry about it, you're still young, and hey, don't worry the right girl's out there, and chances are, she's looking for you too.

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dont feel bad ive lived with my bf for almost 5 months now. he sleeps in my bed everynight comes home to me... everything. but as fate holds it we barely do anything with each other. dont get discouraged. your time will come. for gods sake he only had one girlfirend until me and i was the one who took his virginity last summer in june. he was 17. like i said your time will come soon enough. dont push it or the wrong things will happen to good ppl.

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