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needing to vent

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i am so sick of dating! For two and a half years I was in a beautiful loving relationship that I ended abruptly for good reasons. Since then, I have been 'single and looking'. I dated, and broke up with three different guys in one month, had one night stands - I've dated two guys at the same time. I dated one guy for two months and broke up with him tonight. Either they are too affectionate, not caring enough, too young, obnoxious, too shy, too forward, self-absored...I've had everything! Since my ex, this is my first time of being completely single - and yanno what? I feel equally unsatisifed that I have been all along! Maybe I have too high of expectations, or maybe no one compares to my ex, but this just ain't right. It seems I am the only single person I know, and I don't mind being single, but it sucks being alone in it all. I'm tired of dating...first dates are AWFUL, and I've tried dating friends, that really hasn't worked out for me. I really don't know what do...What am i doing wrong?

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Mabe you just have not found what you are looking for yet as you had mentioned in your post,So you are dating and having one night stands looking for something U have yet to find,Try letting thing's come to you,What happens will happen just give it some time

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Maybe you should take the focus off of dating and finding another guy to replace your ex - for a while anyway. Trust me, having a boyfriend isn't the answer to all of life's problems. Use this time to learn some new hobbies, spend more time with your girlfriends and family, and focus on life as an independent woman. There is a lot to see and experience out there - things that we sometimes let slip by when we are in the all too comfortable "couple mode". Instead of resenting that you don't have a boyfriend, celebrate that you are experiencing life on a different level now.

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I agree - being in a relationship isn't all it's cracked up to be... I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year and basically I feel as though there is nothing left. There's just no intimacy anymore. Sometimes I wonder if I'd be better off single - at least the possibility of having more fun is there. Right now, we come home, eat dinner and he goes in on his computer, while I watch tv. Day in and day out. Woo hoo - what a life. The quality of sex is extremely low, jump on, jump off and wash up. I've come to recognize the back of my boyfriend's head better than his face... it's sad, sad, sad... half the time I feel more alone than in a relationship anyways... but if I were to be on my own... at least then it'd be by choice. I am envious of you, hold your standards high... and only accept the best for yourself - trust me, to do anything less is a waste of your life and time.

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Hey girl - I totally know where you are coming from - for the past couple months I have been 'single' and dating people and nothing works out - and you are right - first dates DO suck. None of my friends are single - well i mean theres few of them that are single - but most are married or in long term relationships.


But yet, I'm having fun. I'm not attached - I'm not committed - all my time is for ME and I can spend it however I want - well when I'm not working...


so... try and relax and have fun... i know its tough sometimes especially when you are wanting to just 'settle' down but enjoy the single time while it lasts... cuz soon you'll meet that perfect guy and get married and you will never be single again for the rest of your life.. so have fun now.

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