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Greatest Hockey Game Ever

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How many of you have seen the movie Friday Night Lights? For those who have, would you agree that the story was better because they ended up loosing, but they had learned so much?


On Saturday night I went to my lil bro's hockey game. His team is a select team and they are just 10 year old kids. They are amazing hockey players for 10 year old kids. His team was facing off against the opponent who had not lost a game in 2 years. This was a playoff game and obviously the other team was expected to win..easily. During the game I was standing near some of the parents from the other team. They were arrogant people. They were making comments about how our team sucks, how they're team is great….they were making fun of some of our players (remember…they're 10!)


As expected, the other team grabbed a quick lead. In the 3rd period, they had a 3-1 lead when all of the sudden my bro's team scored 2 quick goals. Amazing that they even did that. Then the went to overtime. The first two overtimes, the underdog completely dominated the other team. In the 3rd overtime my brother had a breakaway…a nice shot…and it dinged right off the post. Missed it by a quarter of an inch. They played a 4th, a 5th, and a 6th overtime. Every overtime period, my brother team seemed to get better and better. They hit the post a few more times, came close time and time again. In the the 6th overtime, 2 and half hours after the start of the game, the defending champions scored a controversial fluke goal.


Usually at the end of a game like that, one set of parents is really happy and the others are kind of mad. As soon as the game ended, everybody stood up and started clapping…for everybody that was playing. I started listening to the other parents talk from the winning team and I heard comments like "wow, what a game" and "wow, they certainly earned our respect" and things of this nature.


I can honestly say it was the best hockey game I have ever seen in my entire life. That includes any professional games. These ten year old kids get it. The understand commitment, they understand dedication, they understand hard work, they understand the concept of team, they understand that winning isn't the whole picture, they understand pride. I have never been so proud of my lil bro and all his buddies. At first they were upset and crying a little bit, but afterwards they all got together and were smiling and congratulating each other. They were telling each other how they would never ever forget that game, that team.


It was amazing..they are just 10 year old kids, but it was like watching them mature faster then most of their parents all in one night.


I compare it to that movie…because that's what it was like. Remember the abusive father who gives his son the championship ring at the end? Well theres one parent whos kinda a jerk, really tough on his kid. After the game he went up to his son and gave him a hug and told him how proud of him he was.


Some may think it was just a hockey game…but to be there, to see it all..it was something special.



it pertains to relationships. first, the relationships of the kids involved, the team. they really grew up during this hockey game and learned a lot. they learned how to respect eachother (more so then before) and how to take pride in eachother and really support one another. secondly, between the parents and players. the players in a way taught their parents that winning is not everything. this is a select team, so the parents take it very seriously and take it harshly when there is not a win. but the way the parents reacted after this was different. i used the example of the harsh parent hugging his son and telling him how proud he was...thats not something that would happen before. lastly, the relationship between my brother and i. ive always respected and been proud of him...but this game made me that much more proud and gave me that much more respect for him. he's just 10 years old...and i can already tell you that he will be a great man someday.


as far as personal growth...i saw these kids mature light years in the course of ONE hockey game. It just goest to show you that sports do a lot for our youth. they give them a lot of tools that will help them be successseful in life.

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