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It's been a month since me and ex(now) broke up. She gave me the friend speech and well.. this is how it went..


Her: Well.. to be serious here, I don't think we're getting along well and theres just so much pressure.. I think we should just be friends ya know..?

(I'm thinking "wtf? not getting along? pressure?")

Me: Oh... I see what your getting at..

Her: Yeah.. so I know this sounds REALLY corny but I'd really still like to be friends with you

Me: Alright, hey no problem- not a problem.

(then I hugged her and left)


*It then suddenly struck me, the cold emptiness feeling that shivered down my spine. I tried to push it out for about 10 minutes after, and I felt a little better. Over the days since then, I've tried to push it out little by little, and it worked - I was over her completely... or so I thought...

When I thought that at the moment, I hung out with my friends alot more and such, but Over the past month - everytime I see her; it's just that I couldn't let her go completely... I'd freeze, I would try to talk like I did to her before, but the words just don't come out. When we were together, I was always the one to speak about seriously about the relationship.

It came down on me tonight, I saw her around and the same feeling would come around, she posted on her LiveJournal that I'm ignoring her. Like I said, I try not to - but the words just don't come out now often...

At the moment, I feel like I'm never going to meet another.. I see all my friends curl up with theirs and I'm left out.

I try not to think about it - but whenever I see her, it strikes me for a day or two. So I'm asking, how can I completely move on?? even with seeing her; I'm ok and talk naturally (I'm not really a shy guy, I'm fun/outgoing/daring)

How can I cope? I know theres another one thing on my mind that I want to let out but It's in the back of my head and I can't reach it; I'll post an EDIT when I remember.

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i wish i could help because it bugs me soo bad because i've gone through the same thing before so i know how oyu feel but im not very good a coping with things like this. umm well i can tell you that there will be others out there for you so you dont have to worry aobut that. i would say it takes time to get over it and it may be a long time but you will get over it. and i know its hard to talk to her but you should try to and maybe that will make things a little easer. just like ask her how she feel about it and tell her how you feel so you know and she knows as well. and then just keep your distance and give your body the time it needs to heal. i mean its ok to feel the way you do i, its only natural. i really hope this helped you out a lil bit and keep me posted on how your doing.

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I think Aelynn is right. The way you feel right now is not great, but it's part of the process. The way I read it from your posts, you acted really cool towards her during the break up, and now it's like the reality of it kicks in. It's only been a month.


I know, it's horrible to be surrounded by happy couples when you are single but especially when you are just recovering from a break up. I have been there many times myself


Somehow it makes you scared of never finding anyone yourself even more, although that's completely irrational of course. Maybe it helps to take a break from the whole idea of needing a relationship in the first place. If it's your decision to be single, it might be easier to cope with it. Meanwhile you have the time to heal from the ex.


After a while, when you are starting to feel better about things and life and such, which I am sure won't take for ever!, you can start dating again. Just dating. No heavy relationship stuff directly, take nice girl you meet to the movies or something like that.


Hope you'll feel better soon,



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