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problem falling asleep....is it just me...?

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I wanted to ask if anyone has had any trouble falling asleep before and what they did to make it better...I don't get sleepy at night at all and I don't know why...I go thru the day with eyes hurting and turning red cuz I don't sleep...I've always been able to sleep with no problem until like 5 months ago when it all started...I've talked to a doctor and they put me on ambien... but that didn't really help much, plus i don't even like taking drugs at all...its gotting a little better now...I go to sleep and end up waking up like 2 hours later...and then its the same pattern, go to sleep wake up look at the time thinking I've been sleeping for a while but its only like two hours...now I stay up till like 5 or 6am and then sleep or should say TRY to sleep and wake up around 3 or 4pm...and by then the day is almost over...its winter now and by then its dark outside so it feels like its always night time....if anybody had suffered from chronic sleep problem and is now feeling better please be kind enough to tell me what helped you....thanks in advance... its like 3am now so i probably should go try and sleep now...LOL

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I just bought a bottle of tylenol pm...I'm still up like 2 hours after I've taken it and i guess cuz you're suppose to go to sleep when you take it and I'm still up it just makes my eyes hurt...but trust me I tried that...I'm jealous of people getting sleep...my mom...my sister...something so easy I am wondering did my body just forget how to feel sleepy...LOL

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youre going to think im such a weirdo for saying this...but i have 2 ways to pass right out.


one: turn off all the lights, or set up the most comfortable environment you like to sleep in. (me i prefer absolute silence & pitch darkness) & relaxxxxxxx completely! and in a way try to put yourself in a trance...kinda like 'hypontizing yourself'...OK OK OK DONT BE SCARED! lol i know it sounds weird but when i have a hard time drifting off i move my eyes back & forth or up & down very rapidly & it automatically makes my eyelids heavier & heavier & soon enough im sound asleep!! I KNOW IT SOUNDS ODD BUT IT WORKS ON ME! LOL


two: masterbate. it hardly ever fails.



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You know what you sound exactly like me ,I do the same thing stay up all night cant sleep barely at all and I dont know why,Never thought of it as a problem but now it's basically draining me,I can stay up all night and all day and then sleep a few hours and do it all over again,I cant seem to figure out the cause of it but your post interested me because I am the exact same way!

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Are you under any type of stress?...sometimes that can keep you awake. That happened to me a few months ago, i had so many things running through my head...that it felt impossible for me to fall asleep at night, and during the day i was suffering for it. However, i started writing things down before bed...and it actually started to help. And when I go to sleep i try to focus on one thing...and not let my mind wander anymore..and i usually fall asleep...Tylenol PM...also works wonders for me...Those Tylenol people are brillent!....


Hope that helps...if not i would go back to the doctor and ask for more help!

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Next week's issue of Newsweek will be focused on sleep problems. Here's the article:


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Some easy things that you can help do are the following:


1) Don't do anything else in bed except for sleep and have sex Don't read or eat or anything else there. You want to condition your mind so that when you are in bed, it's all about rest (except for the sex.)


2) Establish a "bedtime ritual." That could be taking a long hot shower, having some tea or warm milk, or half a glass of wine (too much alcohol will disrupt your sleep). Try to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every day. To get you started, as everyone else said, try Tylenol PM for a few days to get your body in the the rythym.


3) I've found I sleep better if I do some yoga/meditation before bed. (In fact, I actually fall asleep midpose). Furthermore, that will help you clear your head of the problems you may be thinking about.


4) Don't drink coffee or soda in the afternoon - it may keep you up.


5) If you sleep within 7 feet of a TV set or some other electronic device, move it accross the room! Once I did that, I slept a lot better.


I do all of this, and I get 9 great hours of sleep a night. I love it. Am so happy. My bed is my best friend! Good luck!!!

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There are 3 things I can recommend that help me. I have trouble falling asleep and once I get there I sometimes sleepwalk….These are the only over the counter remedies I can recommend


1. Go to the Monroe Institutes website and order a hemi-sync CD for sleep.

2. An herb for anxiety and sleep called Kava Kava…be careful how much you take as people have been arrested for driving under the influence on this stuff. Very helpful 30 min prior to sleep.

3. An over the counter Antihistamine called Doxylamine succinate which can be found in Vicks Nyquil (Cough)!!!!!!!!!! Also found in Unisom night time sleep aid. 30 min prior to sleep. Good Luck!

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