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Mothers Death


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My mother died almost 2 years ago in July coming up. I shed no tears. Normally I am a pretty dead inside type of person. But lately I hear a song that we used to listen to and I shed in tears. I watch shows and in the bad moments, I tear up. WTH. Why is it that all that stuff affects me, but not my own mothers death? We used to be close but had a falling out with her alcoholism.

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Perhaps it was too much for you to feel at the time, and now you are beginning your grieving for her.

Our brains are really amazing. When something is too much to bear, we may go into shock and shut down, sometimes for a long time.

It sounds like the loss of your mom was a complicated one for you emotionally, so it's possible.

It's ok - we all grieve in our own ways.

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