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Am I depressed ??


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Just before I start id like to thank everyone for their help and taking the time to read this


I'm a 22 year old lad with decent job with ALOT of working hours which leaves me very little time to socialise, I've done this since I've been 18, never really went out or talk to much people, I have a lovely son who I'm no longer with the partner as she made my life a total mysery, I have suffered with anexity in the past due to a lieing/cheating ex who I was with for 3 years.


The thing I'm asking is it normal to not want anything to do with anyone? If I could I'd just lie in bed all day and have nothing to do with anyone as bad as that sounds, I have 0 motivation to do anything and can be quite nervous around people, if Somone offered me a night out in the drink with the lads or a hot bath and a early night their would be no hesitation over it!


I constantly dwell over past mistakes to the point it can bother me for hours. I'm not looking for any sympathy simply advice to see if anyone else gets like this?

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It's been a year since I left my ex I'm not bothered about that because I was so glad to get away from it all. I get on with people very well at work asif that's become my social life. I see my son 3 days a week she is fair to me in that Sence. And I live with my parents

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I think there is a possibility of depression.

I asked how long since you split with the mother of your child simply to check if it was symptoms of a break up only.

You live with your parents, have people around you and it's good that you have a good relationship with workmates.

See your GP and ask for a referral to see a psych. A psych will talk you through everything and I don't think you are doing too bad at all, may only take about 8 sessions to get back on track.

Don't be worried If medication is prescribed. Nothing addictive and can help lift the mood enough to get you thinking positively.

Good on you for recognising your symptoms and that's a start!

Good luck

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