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can anyone help?

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my bf and i have been dating for 2 years and things have had it's ups and downs, but things have been going good for awhile. the only thing is that when we have sex, sometimes my bf can't cum. he gets all sweaty and over heats. we have a fan that we use, but lately this hasn't been cutting it. can anyone help me?

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He can condition himself meaning that he can excercise more. Obviously its gonna take some time but if he increases how much he excercises (and im talking about cardiovascular training) then eventually his body wont have to cool itself down as much. Sweat is the bodys way of cooling itself down and through cardio training his body wouldnt get as hot and he wouldnt have to sweat as much.

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He might need more stamina/energy through cardio exercise for example. Our health can really affect our ability to "perform" and how much we can give to intimate encounters. With good cardio, he won't sweat as much or get so exhausted/overheated. Hawaii is rather warm/humid too, so lots of fluids are necessary to replenish all that sweat he is losing


He may also want to consider talking to a doctor though their advice may be similar as I imagine he does not have a problem getting an erection, just in ejaculating?

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I am very 'hot natured' so I can understand your bf's dilemma! What works for me is to drink lots of water and do some kind of exercise. It also helps to have a ceiling fan and a couple floor-stand fans, too... Get the air moving as much as possible....


He may also be having a problem menatlly if he knows he has a problem when he sweats, this will eat away at him while he is trying NOT to sweat, which will raise his nervousness and cause him to sweat more, which adds to his anxiety, and so on...


Have you tried different positions? Maybe if he entered you from behind you or if you were on top... Just a couple ideas...

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Thanks so much everyone for your input. I'll suggest that we should start exercising more together. I was worried that it was me, but i realize that it isn't me.


If anyone has anything else to contribute, don't hesitate.

Thanks again!


i'll post again and let you guys know how it goes.

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