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My ex messaged me.. Why?


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Hey! My ex messaged me the other day just to see how I was.. I dunno if any of use have seen any of my other posts.. But now I just can't get her out of my mind! Like I was in a pretty good position until she got in contact with me. I've blocked her on Facebook but I can't bring myself to block her number just in case she's gets into trouble and needs me for anything.. I still really care about her and love her. We've been broken up about a month and I've told her I don't think we should talk after we've gave each other our things.. After saying I was okay I asked how she was and she said she's really good just focusing on herself and having fun.. Like that's great I'm really happy for her! But it sort of hurt a little bit if I'm honest. And it's just made me want her back. I can't stop thinking about messaging her. Thank you in advance for even taking the time to read this!

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Hey! My ex messaged me the other day just to see how I was.. I dunno if any of use have seen any of my other posts.. But now I just can't get her out of my mind! Like I was in a pretty good position until she got in contact with me. I've blocked her on Facebook but I can't bring myself to block her number just in case she's gets into trouble and needs me for anything.. I still really care about her and love her. We've been broken up about a month and I've told her I don't think we should talk after we've gave each other our things.. After saying I was okay I asked how she was and she said she's really good just focusing on herself and having fun.. Like that's great I'm really happy for her! But it sort of hurt a little bit if I'm honest. And it's just made me want her back. I can't stop thinking about messaging her. Thank you in advance for even taking the time to read this!


Sounds like my position in the early stages of my break up that I posted about yesterday. In a nutshell, she is fishing and keeping you hanging. More than likely she's got other men on her mind probably one lined up. She doesn't want you to move on first and will do anything to make sure you don't. Do what I didn't have the balls to do and ignore her!

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