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8 months later an I still miss my ex.. Reconciliation possible?


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Trust me I haven't brushed them off. I thought long and hard at how i failed. I openly admit to being wrong. There's no redoes but you can fix your future. I wouldn't make the same wrongs if I ever get another chance. My biggest issue was not being mature with her heart. I'm not begging for another chance and I've benefited and grown either for her or in my next relationship. My overall point is that if she were to come back one day i bettered myself for it. I just keep hope in the idea that another opportunity is possible.

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We dated for awhile after that happened but I don't think she ever truly got over that.


Yeah, that's definitely something that would drive off most people with strong boundaries and self-esteem. Also will make it tough for her to ever trust you again in the boyfriend role. If you learn from it to the point where you never do it again, then that's a good thing. But I would consider your ex to be permanently gone as a romantic option unless she indicates otherwise. If that should happen, then you can re-evaluate and go from there. But I wouldn't "check in" or pursue her in any way, shape or form, especially if she's with someone else.

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No I'm relaying the message that we're humans an make mistakes... We aren't born with wisdom. No I wasn't out at a bar when I did that either I texted that girl and my gf felt betrayed because I had a sexual history with her. They used to be friends before we dated... I did a few things with girl 1 while the two were still friends. Then a year or so later they slowly grew apart and stopped being friends completely and I went ahead and dated my ex which even further drew them apart. I texted girl 1 while we were together being a little to friendly.


Wow, dude - that's unacceptable. Personally, I would leave you and not look back.


I think the biggest issue is that she has a bf. A man (or woman) of integrity respects the ex's current relationship.

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You say you've learned your lessons, and you stated you wouldn't try to take her from her current bf, but you are pining for her thinking you could do better the second time and you want to reach out to her. Personally I think you hope she'll take you over her bf, and once it becomes routine again, you'll likely hit up her hot friend or your hot ex if it gets interesting between you two.


Leave her alone. I think you have motives you aren't admitting to yourself by reaching out. You don't seem to truly respect her enough to value her current situation, or the work of a long term commitment. I think what you miss is the attention she gave you, not the actual relationship.


And this isn't being bitter, it's being blunt.

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