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advice? this sucks


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Well this story isn't much about me but more about my parents. I've posted on here a few times and one even regards finally getting my ex girlfriend back... well something terrible happened along that path..


When me and my ex first split up I moved into my parents home until I could save up for my own apartment. Things went smooth while living with them, but I knew something was wrong? You know that cold feeling you get when you walk into a situation and know something is up? I knew my parents were having problems but didn't know how serious they really were until I moved in..

My mom is going through an addiction with her money habits well lack there of (spending too much, not paying bills) expecting everything would be fixed by my dad but it's to the point where he can't keep fixing it.. I since moved out but just recently my father reached out to me and we had a deep heart to heart conversation. He went through a bad drug addiction when I was younger and he got through it and has been clean for over 17 years but when he's around negative situations like this it frightens him and he thinks he will make a mistake he doesn't want to. So he now told me that he is deciding to get a divorce after he helps my mom get through the situation she's in...

I mean I'm older now (24) and I understand these things tend to happen but it tore me apart hearing this. First time I've ever witnessed my father cry in my life and I could see how bad he wished it didn't have to be this way and wanted to make sure I knew he wasn't leaving for someone else, he said he can't ever get into another relationship because he's too deeply in love with my mom but the past few years my mom just isn't trying to make it work anymore and he lost his bestfriend... I told him I wouldn't be mad and I understood that he can't stay stuck and unhappy his whole life.


I guess I'm not really seeking advice, more of me just venting alittle bit... I finally reached a high point in my life.. About to finish school, start my new career, finally settle down and then I'm hit with this news.

Having a bad day

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Sorry to hear you're going through this, hazel. Any chance your mom would consider getting therapy to help her with her issues? Has your dad broached that option with her?


Yeah we actually all had a sit down as a family to talk to her about it but she refused to realize she had a problem. She still thinks she's not making bad choices and everything is fine, even though everything is facing apart infront of her.

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Yeah we actually all had a sit down as a family to talk to her about it but she refused to realize she had a problem. She still thinks she's not making bad choices and everything is fine, even though everything is facing apart infront of her.


Does that mean she refuses to go into therapy for her addiction? Have you actually come right out and asked her to go?

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