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I wrote this one last year...



How long must I languish in this prison?

My soul lies in a cold, dark place, so

Twisted even the wind laughs at my plight.


Walls of confusion, disappointment, fear,

Disenchantment and pain vanquish every

Last tiny drop of hope.


I've spent so long in this place, that

I seem to have forgotten my fondest dreams;

I seem to have forgotten my self...


Through rusted bars, I see the world

Spinning, everyone seems to live

Free, while I just exist -


Alone - for an eternity, but when

The night comes, I feel even

More forsaken...


The porridge I'm served poisons

My soul - life force-feeds me

Images that test my soul...


...a plot to enrage me, to make

me jealous, make me explode,

make me a real offender...


Images of held-hands, warm

Embraces, touching mouths,

Merging bodies, uniting souls...


...that which I yearn for so

Much, with all that remains

Of Me.


I want to go on hunger strike,

But the tiniest echo of compunction

Doesn't let me euthanise.


Even Papillion would not have

Withstood this level of harrow for



Melancholy is my only visitor,

And she is not there for my health.


What did I do to warrant this



Through the bars again, I look at

So many who deserve this prison

Much more than I.


Those will half-a-heart, with guile

On their mind, and with carnal impetuses.

This world praises them and all that they do.


But now my heart is colder and

Harder than theirs' ever was.


I've been on trial all my life,

Yet no advocate has come

To my rescue.


Every day I'm questioned even more,

I cannot defend myself - I have

Nothing left with which to plea.


Down I go, deeper and deeper,

There is no jury, and this trial

I endure has no connection with fair.


I'm in a prison, from which I cannot

Escape - I have condemned myself

To a life sentence of loneliness.


I'm guilty, of course!

But of what?

Of gentleness, honesty, sensitivity, and being true...

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I like!


It flows oh-so-nicely....the sort of poem that could be transformed into a song.


I especially like how you link prisons, trials, and punishments. I've seen a lot of poems about "personal prisons" but yours takes the concept to a higher level.


I've been on trial all my life,

Yet no advocate has come

To my rescue


My favorite stanza. Keep writing!

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