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Any tips on quitting cigarettes?????

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I smoked for 20 years and was on a pack or more a day. I tried several times and failed untilI got some pills to help. I was supposed to take them for 30 days but stopped after 20 as I no longer needed them. I haven't smiked since for many years. I found the first week the hardest and then it go progressivley easier - now I cannot smell smoke without being nauseated.

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The prescription drug - brand name Wellbutrin (also an anti-depressant) is used to help quit smoking. Be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist about any possible side effects. You can inquire with your doctor though, as it is a prescription only drug. Remember, I am not a doctor or pharmacist so it's important that you talk to them before taking any prescription medication.

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I smoked for 10 years. I quit smoking 2 and a half years ago, this is how I did it. first I only allowed myself to smoke in one room in the house, like if you have a garage go in there, somewhere not that comfortable, somehwere with no tv or radio. Don't smoke in your car, clean it, air it out. drink coffee, soda, chew gum, eat a ton of mints, but don't smoke everytime you feel like it. Busy yourself in projects, whatever you like to do, read, play a game. Most important, try your best to stay away from people who smoke. I know this is hard, but limit your exposure, don't go to bars or other smokey places for awhile.you will find other things to do that interest you and will begin to not miss it as much...think of smoking as a "habit" not as an "addiction" you can change your habits easily. Then when you're ready to go cold turkey, Don't tell anybody you're quitting, I didn't and people didn't notice for a long time. It took the pressure off of me because I knew nobody was watching me to see if I messed up. You think your friends will support you, but they won't!! I went to a party and when people found out I was smoke free they made rude little cynical comments...they were jealous!! after a week of not smoking, take some deep breaths, it will feel good, your lungs will feel great and you will have the incentive to keep going. you will start to notice that you can taste food better, think about the nice stuff, like not having to go out in the cold for a break, Then try exercising, because the longer you go without a cigarette, the more you can do physically. it will help relieve stress too. good luck!! p.s. wellbutrin might help your cravings, but you need to change your thinking too.

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Actually, yes I do know someone who tried this. They had smoked for 30 years, and quit. They wanted to quit, but were addicted. The drug probably gave them a psychological advantage to quitting, as well as a physiological effect (less desire to smoke). I would imagine that the combination of the two finally led the person to quit smoking.

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