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Do you think this girl seems attracted to me or not?


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Sorry to bore everyone but this is going to be long, so if you're busy feel free to skip it


So, I'm in college and there's this girl in my class. I had a bit of a crush on her at the start in September and as I started speaking to her I ended up becoming quite interested in her. I didn't really want to tell her as I didn't know her very well but I confided in one of my friends just before Christmas. We started college again last Tuesday but I was unable to attend until Friday due to starting a new job which I needed to attend a 4 day training course for. While I was away, the friend I had confided in told the girl I liked how I felt about her.


Apparently when he told her she kept asking him questions about how long I've liked her and basically just asking about me. He said to me that she seems really interested as did a few other people in the class. Apparently he was teasing her about it all week. She apparently just started blushing everytime he mentioned it but didn't seem like she was trying to reject me.


I came back in Friday feeling quite awkward about the whole thing, but I just spoke to her as normal and she didn't seem any different. Our class get Friday afternoons free, while most people go home there's 3 of us that need to wait for the bus and that's me, her and one of her friends. She was sat with her friend in the library and I was sat on the other side of the room, I noticed them but didn't want to intrude. Anyways, her friend went out to make a phone call and then the girl I like came over to me and asked if I wanted to come and sit with her. So I accepted. So she just straight up asked me how I feel about her, so I just told her that I liked her and found her easy to get along with. And she said "But do you fancy me?" and smiled. So I just casually said "well, yeah."


Anyways, she didn't say whether she felt the same, just started asking about my past relationships and asking how long I'd been with each and why we broke up. She seemed really interested when I was telling her. And then we just switched conversations to what she likes doing. She was telling me about how she'd been on her first proper night out on new year and threw up after 3 shots of vodka. I was teasing her about it and calling her a lightweight and she was just laughing. She said I was really funny. Then she was asking me about what my type is with girls so I just said I don't really have a type. I asked her what her type was and she was just telling me she doesn't really mind how a guy looks but that they need to be funny and conversational. Earlier in the conversation she said I was both of these. Then a bit later when her friend came back, her friend was telling her about her and her boyfriend breaking up, so the girl I like said "Ugh! That's why I hate lads!" so I just jokingly said "Damn, there goes my shot." And she just giggled and went "You're one of the few nice guys"


Then on the bus she was fiddling with the cords on my jacket that tighten my hood. Not sure if this means anything, she's really good at maintaining eye contact and she laughs at all my jokes, even the awful ones xD Opinions guys?

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You need to ask her out on a date...keep your "middle friend" out of it all.


If date goes well, proceed to ask her to next date WHILE you are on 2nd......think of something new (not restaurant/movie type of a deal). Maybe a walk/hike or something outdoorsy....it's cheaper/free.


Make a move NOW (in person/face to face). She is clearly expecting you to do so.

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She maybe messing with your head just for the fact that she knows you like her!

Do you have her contact? Have you asked her out yet? Don't let her playful act get to you! Ask her out before you run out of things to say about yourself. Save it for the date! Or your going to end up "friend zoned"



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