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Is it worth addressing the issues?

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So, just trying to get an outside opinion or two. I work for a larger corporation and when I first started it was heaven. My manager was great, we got along, things flowed and work was productive. I always joked that if he quits I would quit... Fast forward 16 months and he gets promoted. While I am thrilled for him this presented some changes for me... I am not reporting to a new manager (they are all attorneys, which is important later). On a personal level I like my new manager (who used to be his manager).


The problem is she is busy. Too busy. As in she cannot get everything done that is on her plate and basically she is just always shuffling things around. My job is to prepare things and then run them by her for review and/or opinion before finalizing (because she's the attorney and the buck stops with her). Well, I sometimes only get to see her 1/2 hour per week, sometimes I don't see her at all. Given the amount of work I have (we have) this is simply insufficient and I have been unhappy in that I feel unproductive because while I get things done they don't move out the door.


On top of this she also flip-flops a lot. She will tell me to do something one way, then when I'm done I take it to her for review and she almost gets angry as to why I did it that way, or she says sorry, I changed my mind. She gets angry when I try to track her down to get something finished that is urgent or critical. And she also gets angry when I don't...


Some other co-workers have simply resigned themselves and say "it doesn't matter, you are doing what you can.". But I don't work that way. Blame it on me being German and my brain is wired for efficiency and productivity. But even having been in the US for 10 years I haven't encountered this.


Lastly she somewhat favors one specific coworker who appears to be in her office at least once a day discussing things (if they are work related I don't even know, the manager likes to chat about her kids even when she's way too busy).


My question is... tomorrow is my performance review with her (she usually is happy with me so I'm not worried). Is it worth addressing this with her? I am looking for new employment. This has been ongoing since my old manager was promoted 12 months ago, she then went on maternity leave and "worked from home" (right, I think I got nothing done the whole time). We then hired more people (even attorneys) but there has been no improvement since they are completely green in our field...




"Frustrated" Tine

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The problem is she is busy. Too busy. As in she cannot get everything done that is on her plate and basically she is just always shuffling things around. My job is to prepare things and then run them by her for review and/or opinion before finalizing (because she's the attorney and the buck stops with her). Well, I sometimes only get to see her 1/2 hour per week, sometimes I don't see her at all. Given the amount of work I have (we have) this is simply insufficient and I have been unhappy in that I feel unproductive because while I get things done they don't move out the door.


Not your problem. Just find a way to document when you completed the job in case things go south and she tries to throw you under the bus (document EVERYTHING). Save emails, dates etc.


AKA protect yourself!



On top of this she also flip-flops a lot. She will tell me to do something one way, then when I'm done I take it to her for review and she almost gets angry as to why I did it that way, or she says sorry, I changed my mind. She gets angry when I try to track her down to get something finished that is urgent or critical. And she also gets angry when I don't...


Don't track her down, she is YOUR boss (not the other way around). Rest of it, remain calm/cool and just smile/deal with it as it comes.


Keep your emotion/feelings out of it.


Some other co-workers have simply resigned themselves and say "it doesn't matter, you are doing what you can.". But I don't work that way. Blame it on me being German and my brain is wired for efficiency and productivity. But even having been in the US for 10 years I haven't encountered this.


Get used to it! It's how it is.


Adjust and work that way OR find a new job (good luck finding one that "works that way" BTW) hehe


Lastly she somewhat favors one specific coworker who appears to be in her office at least once a day discussing things (if they are work related I don't even know, the manager likes to chat about her kids even when she's way too busy).


Are you jealous cause she doesn't "favor" you or something? Who cares who she likes or talks to. We all like different things/people.


My question is... tomorrow is my performance review with her (she usually is happy with me so I'm not worried). Is it worth addressing this with her? I am looking for new employment. This has been ongoing since my old manager was promoted 12 months ago, she then went on maternity leave and "worked from home" (right, I think I got nothing done the whole time). We then hired more people (even attorneys) but there has been no improvement since they are completely green in our field...


I would say do NOTHING and no, it's not worth bringing it up. You said she is happy with you.....don't change that by bringing up HER faults and issues.


NOTHING good will ever come of that....trust me.


I think you are taking your job WAY too seriously.....relax, go with the flow and remember. Job is a place where we go, do bunch of stuff we don't want to do and get paid.




I also think that you are allowing your job to get you frustrated and stressed. NEVER EVER do that. Do your best to build an "aura" around you that job cannot penetrate. NOTHING that happens at work EVER effects you in any way/shape or form. Learn this now, cause if you don't......it's only your HEALTH that's on the line.


It's not worth your health, trust me.


I just laugh, think of it as comedy, make it fun.

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Absolutely not. Do your job duties, and if one of those job duties happens to be tracking your new manager down to check off on something, then it is what it is. If she gets mad, so be it. As your manager, it's her job is manage your productivity, not the other way around. If something is wrong, her super will make sure she knows and I'm sure she'll then make sure you know.


Now if during your performance review she tries to ding you on a lack of productivity that you're absolutely sure is linked to the issues you two have with inefficient collaboration, then by all means try to make a calm and rational discussion of it.


Giving your manager unsolicited feedback, especially as it pertains to their job duties, typically isn't going to go terribly well for you and not just at this job.


If it's something that you think won't relent, I'd consider looking elsewhere for work.

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Isn't it sad to think your job is a place where you go and don't want to be? I don't want to live that way. Nobody should have to live that way. Have some passion for what you do in life. I did and it makes me sad she's sucking my passion right out of me.


And I have been applying for jobs elsewhere. Just has not happened yet (I do have some salary requirements, obviously and am not under pressure to find a new job, so I'm being choosy).


She won't ding me on productivity. More likely she will ask me how I do like it. Feedback is generally encouraged. The problem is that there's just not much she'll be able to do.


Am I jealous of the other girl talking to her? In a way, yes. Not about family (oh please I hope she doesn't give me diaper stories anymore), but she has meetings with her on work stuff almost daily while I have to beg for once a week for more than 30 minutes. Again today she reduced my 1 hour meeting on Friday to 30 mins and the one next week as well. Everyone else gets to keep their hour meetings. We call this "Matter Review" meetings.


I fell treated unfairly. Absolutely. I've waited for things to improve after she got back from maternity leave. And they just haven't...


Well, guess I'll see what she asks tomorrow and what she thinks I need to improve. Basically I have made the decision to leave and am staying until that opportunity presents itself.

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