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How many study jazz (or any genre music)?

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Yeah. Just wanting to know whether there are any students, pros, etc. of jazz here.


Oh, if you want to tell what instrument you play, and if different from jazz, cool. Tell what instrument and genre music you're into.


Do you play in a band?


Just cuuurreeeus,



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Music is a HUGE part of my life. I've been studying the piano since i was little, and in grade 6, moved from classic to jazz piano studies. I just couldn't take the drone of playing the music EXACTALLY how it was written. Jazz is so much better! I have also studied the saxaphone (alto, bari, tenor, saprano...) with some of the best jazz musicians around. Julia Nolan, Camble Rigby, Fred Stride...(if you havn't heard of Julia Nolan, please look her up!!!)


My whole family is crazy into music. One of my uncles is the director of a musical Fine Arts school, where he teachers jazz and has amazing bands and orchestras, as well as being a pro, involved in several of his own bands. His 2 kids, my cousins, are both studying music at University. My aunt is an absolutly AMAZING pianist, and my grandmother can play any song by ear. My brother and mother, as well as anouther uncle (all on my moms side) are also involved in music.


Right now, I'm not a proffesional, but like all jazz musicians, you gotta know all the jazz standards, so once I learn those, I'll start doing giggs, the lady i'm studying with has offered to help me get giggs on cruise ships pretty soon, so that'll be fun, and pay well!


I love jazz, it can give you any mood, you play if with your soul. Music is a part of my life that I'll always have, and hold dear to me.



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I play guitar and absolutely love jazz, blues and rock! Ive been playing since i was 8 and rarely a day has gone by when i havent played! I occasionally play with a few different local bands at their gigs but i mainly love jamming away with my mate who plays bass (and occasionally uses his sax when we want something really jazzy). We come up with some really good stuff sometimes and i hope to start recording some of the stuff sometime soon and maybe building ourselves a website to show off our work!


My main influences are Brian May, John Frusciante, Django Reinhardt, Dave Gilmour and of course the legendary Jimi Hendrix!

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Ahh, and Hendrix left us quite the legacy. I love his music and would love to do covers of several of his songs. I recently found some Led Zepplin at a wholesale outlet and want to go back and get some for memories sake. (I was a teen then). Today I'm listening to a favorite jazz artist, Herbie H. and his music stokes me. I could listen forever.

But I may also put on Sly Stone; hey, there's some pretty stuff in some of his compositions I eventually want to do covers on, ya' know!


A few of you asked "Why" I ask. I have listened to jazz most of my life, standards, love fusion, funk, love blues. I'm self taught as a pianist but now currently study with an excellent pro jazz pianist. I'm now though taking a break to study for vocational training final. I'd been playing infrequently at church with their group. One plays for different reasons there and you can't expand much unless given opportunity to solo, which does happen. But the overall thing there is congregational particpation, as you know worship is. This church does contemporary pop music style for worship, but very infrequently, jazz or jazz influenced pop.


Jazz is my thing, though. I play several other instruments including vocals, but master of none (yet I've gotten raves for solos before, because I play by ear with heart and passion). I'll be looking eventually for a quartet or what I can to play with.


Anyway, since these forums are besieged with questions for advice about crises, it occurred to me to ask you all.


Very interesting! Hope to hear more.





PS Did you guys know that a pop-up just appeared that wouldn't let me post the last part of Herbie H.'s name?

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PS Did you guys know that a pop-up just appeared that wouldn't let me post the last part of Herbie H.'s name?
Yeah, the word censors within phpBB aren't amazing, hopefully they will be more configurable in phpBB 3.0!


Led Zep are one of my favourite bands, they were influential on so many artists that are around today. Stairway to Heaven is often considered to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest, rock song ever (if you forget about the whole backmasking thing).


Ive heard of Herbie Hancock but i can't say that ive listened to any of his music, ill be sure to have a good root around in the music store for some of his stuff next time im down there!

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I am currently learning to play the guitar, iv been going to lessons for about two years, we do a few blues chord progressions,


we are really just learning the essentials at the moment, chords, scales, barr chords and finger picking,


we havent moved to any genre of music, but our music teacher is heavily in to jazz and tries to encourage us towards jazz,

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Hi Rainy, I would highly suggest that you do try to move into jazz, a lot of the knowledge and techniques used in Jazz can greatly improve your playing in many other genres of music. You will also learn to greatly appreciate the music that you are playing, and its great fun to pay when you get a flair for it!!

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Excellent for you who are learning to play and expanding your horizons.


Listen to abcd1234. It's true about jazz. IMHO, jazz is the greatest artform musically of any music in the world. We can all learn something from the old ones gone by from the baroque, classic, romantic, impressionistic world of musics. Yet, while jazz music theory uses classical, it is different.


Jazz will open up new realms for you musically, because you are creating on the fly, as opposed to playing only what's on the sheet of music you're reading.


I also play guitar and learned to finger pick quite well and used to lead groups with this instrument and write pop and folk songs. But I never truly got the fret board to the extent I'd like to. I know most basic bar chords, is all.


Jazz is also history. If you study it, you will see the genius of many who are largely unsung.


I'd like to see jazz emphasized more in grade and high schools. This type of program would expand the mind and encourage limitless possibility in creating, which in turn would affect all other areas of life.


Anyway, good advice, abcd1234.



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The thing I find most is the race to the finish by those in this industry.


Sometimes, everyone is so out to "make it big" that it's disgusting.


I don't mind the fact that there are so many musicians out there who are excellent, which there are.


But sometimes I hear so many competitive "I have the goods over you", it's just a fight.


I know people in the industry. Some overrate themselves. Some are highly accomplished professionals, yet not given enough opportunities.

Some are highly accomplished, yet still trying to prove their worth.


Sometimes this Fight For The Finish is rediculous. I get tired of it. It's not going to shut me up. I love playing music, writing music, have great potential and talent, and I'm gonna keep doing it because i love it. I expect my dreams to come true.


Dreams do come true.


What's your dream?



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Fascinating! You've got quite the head start on a career if you go into professionally playing.


You've got quite the musically-gifted family. Fortunate for you!

No, sorry I've not heard of the cats you mentioned, but I'll look up J.N.


My family was into music as well. Mom was a singer. Late elder brother wrote country/rock/folk and could get standing ovations no problem. Good memories.


I've been into music since 5 yrs old and self taught piano. Played a little easy classical, but love to write, and love to jam! I play most songs by ear, but do read chord charts and sight read slowly.


Sight reading's important as well if you're gonna make a living at playing jazz music.


Interesting. Let us know when you start your gigs, will you?


Spread the news around to your peers about jazz and what it does for you. More people need to be educated as to jazz and what it does for us!



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