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hey me and my gf have been going out for 8 months today, and well we are so much in love, and i was talking to her on the phone last night and she said that she dosen t want me to be her first and only bf, she wants to see what else is out there, but me and her have all these plans this summer and stuff like going campen and partying and stuff like that and i know its going to last at least tell are 1 year, but im so atached to her and i never wanna lose her. but i know what she is trying to tell me and i wanna go out with her for lone time still but and then we break up be still become good good friends and then maybe one day we get back togehter again, but i wanna know that best way to tell her i understand what you are saying, but i still wanna date you for the rest of high school right up tell grad type thing and still be good friends.


can anyone help



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Tell her that she is crazy! Man if she is in love with you then it shouldn't matter that you will be her first and only b/f. She can't just break it up with you becuz of that lame reason..she should have respect for you and love you like she said she does. Tell her that if she breaks up with you..she will never have a second chance! She wants to find out if there is anything else out there?!..what is that! My friend..that means she doesn't want just you..which may lead to other things. it sounds like she wants to find something or on the other hand someone better...So 8 months mean nothing to her but breaking up and finding who else is out there??? Dude...that's just wrong..but if you wanna stay friends with her or try to stay dating throughout high school then thats what you really wanna do..just remember...people can't just throw the wrod "Love" around like that..it means more...


It's up to you B. I wish the best for ya...


Peace yo

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