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I haven't written in here in awhile, I just wanted to fill everyone in on how i am doing, and thank you all for supporting me through the hard times. My ex is offically gone. I don't know where he went actually, but last week thrusday he called, and said he was leaving for Jersey. Now i am not sure if that was the truth or not, but whatever the case may be, he hasn't called since then.


It's weird how wonderful i feel, looking back now, and seeing how good i feel, i am so happy i left him. Now i don't want to bash him, because even though things were rocky, i don't want to be like that..i do wish him the best in life, but i didn't need him anymore. He taught me a lot about myself, and showed me things about me that i didn't like, and that i am now in the process of changing. So i guess him coming into my life, and staying in it for as long as he did, really was for a reason.


I have my life back and I couldn't be happier. Now I know that it is still early in our breakup, but I didn't even crumble. I had some weak moments, but they passed, and now i am actually talking to someone else. But it's nothing serious, i just want to start out with a friendship. I think thats all i can really handle right now at this point in my life. But it is so nice to actually have a conversation with someone without being yelled at. I look back now...*WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!*


But other then that...thank you all for everything.

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Hey girl,


I am happy to see that you feel so much better!!! I have followed your past posts, and you seem like such a strong person. I think that the hardest decisions we make in life, are often the best ones. You had to choose for yourself. You have, you are free, and you will find new happiness.


Of course there will be moments that you feel sad. It might be that you will find yourself remembering the good stuff of the relationship and even miss him. But not necessarily, I once had a bf that didn't miss for a day when I broke up. I was too happy to have my own life back without him making me feel like dirt.


Congratulations and hang in there, girl!



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Hi sugarsweetness. I can relate so much with your post, it literally brings tears to my eyes. It is like reading a breath of fresh air! I've just broken off a relationship with my ex, and it truly feels good to be able to 'breath' once more. I too feel I've learned so much from this relationship, as he certainly brought out the uglier aspects of myself. I see many areas I need to carefully work on and adjust. Although the past is filled with much pain and heartache, I do feel blessed to have learned the lessons I have experienced through this. And there were truly beautiful moments in our relationship as well, ones that I will cherish always.


Thank you for sharing your own thoughts.

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