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Thinking about suicide


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I hate giving my all to someone then they just step on it like it's nothing. I have my ex who is a sweet guy he just lost in the world he does whatever I like but then threed this other guy who is sweet but then he just wants to be friends. But I'm a take this time to relax. I guess it's not no question I just need to release. But I'm thinking about suicide and my child is not even number one no more. Ending my life formore pain

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Please do not allow men to control your happiness. Do not let them have so much power over you that you kill yourself. You have a child. Focus on them and maybe just forget about men until your mental state is better.


I hope you start to feel better soon! Hang in there for your child.

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Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Everyone goes through being broken up with, or breaking up with someone-it is just a part of life. No one is worth ending your own life for. There will be other relationships in your future .You make life to be however you want. Sure, there will always be plenty of up and downs, but why define yourself by them? If you want life to have meaning, give it meaning. Do something you've always dreamed of doing. Travel somewhere, go skydiving...whatever. Just do something enjoyable. Life is short. You will not always be around. You will die eventually. Why end it sooner than necessary? Just go with the flow until the end comes. There are people who would love to live longer but don't have that option. Once you're gone, you're gone. There's no coming back. People seem to think everything will be better when they're dead. HOW? They'd be DEAD! That doesn't magically make everything better.You're raising a child, which in my opinion is the most important job in the world. Your child relies on you, keep strong for her/him

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If you are looking for pity, you won't find it here. Suicide is the most selfish act I can possibly think of. You end up hurting and bringing down your pain on your loved ones.


I have 0 respect or pity for such people and YES it has happened in my family. It took me .5 seconds to forget about that person completely.


Mind you, I can understand suicide due to extreme pain and suffering, that's different. Stuff you are dealing with Op is pesky AT BEST. What a shame that you are even considering this due to some douchebags.


Really sad

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If you are looking for pity, you won't find it here. Suicide is the most selfish act I can possibly think of. You end up hurting and bringing down your pain on your loved ones.


I have 0 respect or pity for such people and YES it has happened in my family. It took me .5 seconds to forget about that person completely.


Mind you, I can understand suicide due to extreme pain and suffering, that's different. Stuff you are dealing with Op is pesky AT BEST. What a shame that you are even considering this due to some douchebags.


Really sad


OK, I agree with you to some extent and definitely echo your view that suicide due to relationship issues is plain wrong, even though I thought about it for that reason. Relationship issues can be fixed, although not always quickly. Having seen some relatives spend their last year or so with little quality of life, I would not condemn anyone in that situation.

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