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What should I do


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I meant this guy at work. We joke around and play around with each other we switch numbers and everything. One day I went over his house to chill and talk. He said he likes me alot. What does you like me alot. We did have sex and he was like you a sweet girl and I will like to know you more. So on Saturday we are suppose to go on a date with each other. So I ask him what are we like are we together he said no we are just friends. Should I just leave him alone.

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So, basically he told you that he wants you to be FWB, and implied that you shouldn't consider Saturday a real date, just a preamble to another night of sex.

Are you ok with being FWB? If so, go for it.

Do you want more, like a relationship with him? Then yes, leave him alone, because he made it clear he doesn't want one with you.

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Not all guys wants to be FWB. He asked to know you better and wants to take you out for a date! There's nothing too confusing about that!

You slept together before really knowing each other? And your assumptions are that you two are a couple now, when you should've just said that your excited to go out on a date and bring up that topic while on the date.

I'm sure he's just as confused as you are and he even apologized for not making things clear to you. From what you described, he may want a relationship with you and wants to know who the girl he likes (you) more better.



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You can try the following, but keep in mind it's not 100% guaranteed it will land you a relationship with him: on Saturday, go out with him, and have fun at dinner, drinks, whatever you do. Offer to pay your share. And - this here is paramount - DO NOT end the night with sex. When the night is over, you go to your place ALONE, and he goes to his place ALONE. When he asks you to spend the night (and he will), simply tell him that you don't do casual sex, or sex with friends (he told you that you two were friends, right?), and that you unfortunately let things happen way too fast the first time around, and regret it, and now you want to take things very slow, get to know him, hang out on dates with him, but sex will not happen again until you both figure out what you want from each other. Use these words if you want, or tweak them the way you want them, but make sure they convey the same message. This is very important.


If you don't hear from him again, it means he wanted you as a f*ck buddy only. And if you do hear from him and he wants to see you again, make sure you do not have sex for at least a month. If you slip once more and end up in bed with him, you will become his f*ck buddy and you won't be able to turn things around again.

Plus if you do this, you have a tool to see what he really wants with you. Use it wisely, because this is your window of opportunity; if you miss this one, and have sex with him Saturday or very soon after, it's all over, you will have put yourself in the "easy, casual sex" category and you won't be able to get out of there.


Be smart and you can still turn things around!

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