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Signs she may want to meet up?


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Following a blowout with an ex fling I told her not to contact me. We knew each other for 3 years but only got intimate this year.


Recently she seems to have been finding excuses to contact me. For example after I told her not to contact me she used some marijuana I got her some 4 months ago for a health issue she has as an excuse to call me and tell me about her grandmother passing away. She called all hysterical stating it was making her shake all over her body. She agreed when I explained that it cannot be the marijuana if she smiled the other ones I got her back then and why she had saved the last one until now.


Now she has been asking me for to help her edit some of her papers like I used to when we were on good terms. I said no the last time she asked but she has since asked again and i did not give her an answer. She has also kind of asked me some questions about what's going on in my life.


I have heard she may be talking to someone new but she has not indicated this at all.


It's been 4 months since our blowout and the only time I've seen her since then was at our mutual friends bday dinner.


My question is how can I tell she misses me, still have feelings or wants to meet up with me?


I ask because i do want to see her but I feel as though she is waiting for me to bring it up to meet up.

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You both sound young...


If she's mature and legitimately missed you she'd come out straightforward, explain all the bulls**t she's pulled on you, and wouldn't fool around with excuses...


Furthermore, please reconsider distributing marijuana for self-medication... Approval for medicinal use is becoming more widespread (finally), but there's still a large grey-area of misinformation that needs to be dispelled, as well as facts that go ignored because of inherent distrust in official sources... I'm not going to play fact vs fiction, I'm just going to say it's not something you want to get involved with, and also not something you're qualified to be giving medical advice on (regardless of how long you've used it yourself, or how many people you've known who use it)...


Without some sort of extraordinary selfless gesture on her part I'd be skeptical... And even then I'd question the sanity behind her actions...


Not saying she doesn't have feelings for you... Just saying that feelings are transient and there's a lot more to a person than just feelings.

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My question is how can I tell she misses me, still have feelings or wants to meet up with me?


She would make it clear and cut to the chase, rather than risk losing you to someone else. Obviously, she knows you're waiting in the wings, which is possibly the reason she has no need to make an effort.


She also knows you're simply blowing smoke by telling her not to contact you. Either way, why participate in this game of nonsense?

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She would make it clear and cut to the chase, rather than risk losing you to someone else. Obviously, she knows you're waiting in the wings, which is possibly the reason she has no need to make an effort.


She also knows you're simply blowing smoke by telling her not to contact you. Either way, why participate in this game of nonsense?


I'm not so sure if every woman is just to the chase like that. There still seems some tension between the two of us. When we were seeing each other briefly she did not want to put a label on things and ended it anyways. Then some 4 months later she went through my phone and got upset I was talking to other girls. She was very upset by this and I feel there's still some tension.

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The only way to know for sure is to ask her straight up what her intentions are. Have a conversation as soon as possible to avoid any confusion.You wont know till you ask cause chances are she's not just come right out and tell you yet


Ah I hear you on that one. Thing is that she never give straight answers which is why I knew her for three years in we only got intimate this year. So even asking her may be pointless.


She operates a lot more psychologically than that. For example a week ago she noticed my status on Facebook indicating I was hanging out with a female friend. She messaged me asking what I was doing or if I was busy and when I responded hours later she said it was meant for somebody else. When clearly she was keeping tabs on me or curious who this female friend was.

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