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I just hurt

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It's okay to see that you are hurt, but you cannot stay hurt. You will go through many, many emotions, but give yourself a direction to go in, and GO.


You are not meant to wallow in pain, you are meant to live and enjoy life. Go where you can find those things. Keep moving.

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I hurt.. the pain can be unbearable at times.. im alone, hurt, angry, scared.. all of it... I hurt


And you know what? That's okay to be, but realize it also means you are alive. Alive and still able to fight and breathe and feel. There is something to that, okay? I've been down to the point I couldn't breathe unless I was on a machine and I was numb, that is where you never want to go.


Right now find one thing, the one thing that will make you smile no matter how ridiculous you feel about it, and do that. Do it whether it's blasting loud rock n' roll or climbing into a hot tub full of bubbles or putting on the worst piece of trash guilty pleasure movie you've got. Just do it. In those times when you hurt and hurt the worst you need to find ways to put up walls against the darkness, to have something that makes you get through that next minute or hour or day. Reach inside yourself and find the energy to put up that wall, to get through that next moment or hour or day. You will come out of it on the other side.


And journaling also helps. So does kicking the crap out of a gym bag, going for a run, petting a cat, whatever it takes to make you feel just a little bit more alive, just a little bit of hope, do that. If you paint grab a brush, if you write grab a pen and paper, if you sing use your voice. Use whatever you have to help yourself climb up out of there and understand pain and anger and fear are there to propel you up and away from whatever has you hurting. So use that power and keep going okay? Every light and spirit and life in this world counts, yours does too.

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It's completely normal to feel very sad and go through a grief process of sorts since you are mourning a loss, which is like a death. The pain is part of being open to love and therefore to a certain extent unavoidable, so it's good to allow yourself to feel the feelings.Surround yourself with friends/family as much as possible and spoil yourself. Use the pain to push yourself to become stronger and happier. But yes, give yourself as much time as you need

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I hurt.. the pain can be unbearable at times.. im alone, hurt, angry, scared.. all of it... I hurt


I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time. I can relate to all those things you said that you are going through. Were you outgoing person before your breakup because if you were I feel that you have a chance to come out of this. Unlike me I wasn't outgoing and I put my everything into my ex so when it was over I didn't know and don't know what to do with myself but one thing I was and am is confident and strong but when something happens like a breakup it tends to make you forget all the good qualities that you have going for yourself. There is hope for you and me its just buried for now but you will find it again... as I'm saying this to you I'm taking my own advice because if I don't know anything right now I do know that I want to smile and laugh and enjoy my life again. Please hold on and stay strong.

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