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Am I a bad boyfriend?


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Hello everyone, I've been dating my partner for about 3 months now and I'm worried I may be failing as a boyfriend. For starters I'm 22 and my gf is a decade older than me. I'm trying my best in this relationship but lately Its just seemed like all I've been doing is making her mad. I try and take her out on dates as often as I can. A couple of weeks ago I got her some flowers and chocolates just randomly because I wanted to. We try to see each other on my weekends (I get two days of in the middle of the week) and if I miss a day she gets really distant and upset. And if I miss a text message or call she gets really angry. This is my first relationship and so far the way it's going it's starting to stress me out. If you have any questions for me or need me to clarify anything let me know. But do you think I'm a bad boyfriend?

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Its sounds like you're trying very hard, and want to make this work. The woman you're describing is the type that isn't satisfied with your efforts. If this is your first relationship she can't expect you to be perfect. I would say you're a fine boyfriend, its her that has the problems.

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I know this is not the type of advice you were asking for but personally I think your girlfriend is too old for you. I think seeing as you are in your early 20's and had never been in a relationship before, I think you could be happier with someone closer to your own age, with similar maturity level and life experience. I don't really understand why a 32-year-old woman would date a 22-year-old guy but I think it could even be possible that she's very insecure that you'll leave her for a younger woman your own age. This may be why she gets stessed and mad if you don't reply to her messages or see her in all your spare time. I'm just speculating though....

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