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On Thursday 17th September I had to say goodbye to my best friend.


It is genuinely true when they say that a dog is a man's best friend. He was my everything. I have and never will love and care for a living being like I did him.


I still remember the day he was picked up. Chosen out of a relatively large litter consisting of his brothers and sisters. He was big and fluffy, he looked like a small fat bear and he was by far the friendliest and most playfully natured of the litter. My heart had chosen and I had a best friend - a brother for life. When I got him home his newfound love for our back garden, specifically the grass, meant he wouldn't get off it when it was time to come in, even when I attempted to lift him to take him inside he squirmed his way almost out of my arms to the point I was forced to let him down again. It was only the temptation of food that finally had him inside his new home for the first time. Greedy bugger.


I could write a very long and entertaining post of all my best memories of him - but this is neither the time nor place for that.


This is an open letter for him and how much I loved him.


Ben - I will be forever grateful for the 8 years you blessed me with your presence. You truly were the best friend and brother one could have asked for. From the day you were brought home to the day you had to be taken away - it will forever be the most memorable 8 years of my life. You taught me so much, filled my life with such love and helped me through some difficult times of my own. You always greeted me like you hadn't laid your eyes on me for days - even if I'd only been away for a few hours. For that alone, I will be eternally grateful. Your unconditional love was unparalleled and I can only hope you felt as loved as I did. I miss you so much - I have kept your bed in my room. It acts as a constant reminder of what I have lost and I know you loved it so much.


The house is empty - almost ghost like without you. The days have been dragging in, it’s like my life has lost all meaning and I struggle for a reason to get up each morning. I just don’t know where to go from here.


I miss taking you out each morning, your loving welcome each and every evening upon my return from work, our nightly walks and our mischievous forays into the field close to home. The place you so dearly enjoyed as it was a welcome release from your lead. I miss your playful bark, your relentless attempts at the water hose and your love for your toys – of which have also been kept. And yes, you did indeed manage to catch the red dot….more than once.


I know I shouldn't but I have grown to resent work and other such tedious everyday activities for reducing our time spent together as it is only now I understand just how truly precious that time was. Again, I miss you brother and I am sorry if you suffered at any stage towards the end - I hope you didn't. I hope I made the right decision at the right time to let you go.


I hope you are with cloud and you are enjoying one another's company until we see each other again. And see each other again we will – of that I am sure and to that day I cannot wait. This is my motivation to keep going just as you were my motivation each and every day.


I love you Ben like no other and I always will. I miss you so much and I always will. You are always with me and I will always remember the things you taught me – in a way we’ll never be apart. For we are a part of each other. You are my best friend and my brother for life.


Thank you.

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Aw, I am so sorry about Ben, he was so beautiful! Having been where you are twice, I know that losing a pet is just as painful as losing a human relative, and there is nothing that can make the pain better.... You gave him a wonderful life though, and he knew it.

My condolences for your loss

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We get ill when we lose a dog. I find dogs are much easier to get on with than people. A dog will fuss over you, ignore you, bark or growl. Most dogs approach me for cuddles when they see me. I've been going through a hard time recently. No I'm not suffering another marriage break-up, redundancy (FMP) but I've just hit a point where just about everything in life is too much effort. My wife and daughter are in a similar situation. Yet just a few dog minutes can make all the difference.


I never had the privilege of having a dog when I grew up but I do now. OK, we've often not had holidays or been restricted to where we can go but dogs are just great.


Get another one: they won't be the same but they do replace the company and, in time, you love them just as much as your last.


We're on our 3rd dog and the next one may well be my last, unless I have a long life or the dogs have a short one.

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oh dear who keeps leaving these onions around ena...i'm so, so sorry for your loss OP...


my labbie is eight, i keep elling myself that's very young still and i'm so thankful he's fit and healthy, i don't even want to think about that day and hope it's far, far away... they do entwine their souls with ours, don't they.


take the grieving time you need, it took me quite long after my cat died.


i found Darko about six months after our pittie died and he brings so much joy...maybe when you've healed from this loss you'll go look for a new furry pal to love.


Ben looks gorgeous and that's a beautiful goodbye.

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What a lovely tribute to your friend. He had a great life and he was well loved. I had to put my beloved cat Jamie to sleep last Friday and I am definitely feeling your pain. I will never love anyone the way I love him. He was the bright place in my day, the love of my life, my baby, my little face Jamie. Please remember that Ben knew how much you loved him, he will always be with you, watching over you, waiting for you to join him again. I believe this with all my heart. I also think that you are an exceptional person to be able to express your feelings for him and that you have all this love to give to another dog. I know it may be too soon now, but the one thing that has gotten me through the last week has been the opportunity to hug Jamie's sister, cry into her fur and give her all the love I gave him. Think what that could mean for another dog in your life. It truly eases the pain. I know what you mean about resenting work. I, too, have had those feelings, and I am also regretting every time I went and did something for my fun when I could have been home spending time with Jamie. They have such short lives and they spend most of the waiting for us to come home. Every moment is precious. Try to stay busy in the days to come, it makes it harder when you sit around the house. If you are not ready for another dog, maybe visit a friend who has a dog and get some affection from them. I am hugging you from New Orleans and you are in my thoughts.

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