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Christian girl and Christian guy but God says it's not right

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Ok, first of all, and the most important issue here is that I'm a strong Christian. I've recently over the last few months got to know this guy who is also a Christian. We've been hanging out loads and we both realised that we wanted to be more than just friends. Wheres the problem you say?? Well, we've both been praying about it because while I feel 100% certain that God is telling me that the relationship is right and it should go ahead....God's been telling him that it's not right despite the fact that we both really like each other. This left us both really confused and even though we've prayed for clarity God's still not made the option clear to both of us. After a few days of discussing it we decided to go ahead with it and for the last week we've been boyfriend and girlfriend. I was over the moon and can honestly say that I was happier than I have been in a long, long time. unfortunately his doubts continued to the point where he could no longer focus on God at all because his mind was so messd up. This led him to call off the relationship and he's not sure if we can get back together. I've been devestated since sunday and have spent the last two days as a wreck. I cant understand why I'm getting one set of messages and he's getting another.

It all started when a mutual friend wanted to set us up. Id been praying for a long time to meet someone and then she mentioned him. A few weeks down the line I met him while stood at a train station and realised it was the same guy. It seems like a lot more than just a coincidence that he was at the station that day (and the week before with me as well I found out). From then on we got in contact. God was definitely working for me.

Being with him was the first time in years that Ive felt properly comfortable in a relationship and I was completely happy. He's devestated as well that we had to end it...neither of us can understand why it's not right. Are there any other Christians out there who can shed some light on this matter??? I like him so much and it felt so right....so why did God tell him it was so wrong? Please someone, we both need prayer and a lot of answers. I'm devestated and confused and at the moment, my faith now seems so low.

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I'd be interested in knowing how you think God's been talking to you both: He talks with facts, events, these famous "coincidences", that when you look back, you realise there were too many "coincidences" to have been just luck. You ask with prayer, but He replies with facts.

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First of all, perhaps you should consider God in terms of the King of all creation, rather than your (and your friend's) personal fortune teller. It is true, if you believe in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, you believe that God does speak to his people, and through his people. But you also should conisder the fact that God tests you again and again to see how well you can stand up to the problems he sends your way. Maybe you could read the book of Job to help you better understand? As far as God speaking to your friend and telling him you aren't right for him, I don't believe it, and I don't think this person should be taken seriously. I don't know the full story, but I think YOUR FRIEND is telling HIMSELF that things aren't right, regardless of how you feel about it, or how you think God wants you to feel about it; and with this in mind, he should be man enough to tell you exactly how HE feels, not how he thinks God feels about it.

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i concur and in addition, if both of you are seeking out God's advice on who to date, then you're both probably not quite ready to date yet.


... God's too busy trying to find me a girl and it's going to take a while before he gets you two kids.




I think YOUR FRIEND is telling HIMSELF that things aren't right, regardless of how you feel about it.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sometimes our hearts can be soo decietful and sometimes we want something so bad that we think God is telling us yes. I just went through something like this. We were close friends I thought that God said he was the one but God wasn't saying anything to him but in the end my heart was decietful i wanted it so bad that when God was telling me no i didn't listen finally after spending time in prayer and in the word God told me to let go and i have. My advice to you is seek God. Spend time in the word seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.

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  • 2 months later...


Maybe there is no mix up at all.

When I meet my soon to be fiance (she doesnt know I didnt know that she was the one for me. I had been praying about finding a good christian friend. However, she knew right from the start. I found out later through prayer, and...well. a lot of those "facts" God has his own way. and we always look for a yes or no...but what if the answer in this case is wait?

your friend may have some issues to work out with God before he is ready to become the husband that God wants him to be (or Boyfriend or wahtever). THe point is....God works in ways we cannot understand.

If you keep praying, and you are sure that he is answering you with a yes, then maybe he is preparing your friend.


Best of prayers

The punk

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, I know that I had a christian friend once tell me that in relationships, the closer you get to God, the closer you become together. I don't know if that makes sense, but maybe your friend is feeling this way because instead of focusing on God, he was so happy that he found someone etc. that he was focusing on you and forgetting about important things. If you are a believing Christian then I would say to pray about it. Give it to God. Tell him that you really like this guy, but that you're giving it all up to God. If it's right and you are supposed to be with him, then God will make it known. If not, it's only because he has a different plan for you, so just take comfort in knowing that the best is yet to come! Good luck!

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