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So Glad not to be with a perfectionist anymore!

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Just want to vent or share or whatever.

So, It's been a year since the breakup and we've gotten to the point where we're kind of "friends" (we have kids together, so we have to see each other. It's better to be friends.) It was pretty much a mutual, "amicable" breakup, even though it almost killed me.

anyway, I still am getting used to not being with a perfectionist. I have to remind myself that if I make a mistake or forget something, my new boyfriend is not going to freak out and nag me and act like it's the end of the world. Seriously, I have anxiety issues and I realize that being with a perfectionist was absolutely the WRONG thing for me. It felt sometimes like every single thing I did was wrong and I had to walk on eggshells through my life.

Just wanted to get that out there.

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Good for you trammel! I have anxiety issues as well. But I feel like it stems from my own perfectionistic nature. No need for someone else to make it worse though!!


My ex was also a perfectionist. Just with different subjects than I was. That's one of the reasons why I never did the laundry when I was with him. He would do it over if I hadn't done it 'right'. It would drive me completely insane... So glad we aren't together anymore. So I feel you

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Sometimes it takes being with a new person to bring it home what a nightmare the previous one was! And also, within my experience, horrible stuff which has just been suppressed so you can get by day-to-day comes bubbling up to the surface, too - just let it and kiss it goodbye!


Good luck with your new fella!

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