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what does it take for women to reconcider a guy they said no


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I have asked this girl out (NOT FACE TO FACE.. VIA EMAIL).. she is a friend of my sister (by the way did I mention that I HAD A CRUSH N HER FOR THE LAST 11 MONTHS).. and her answer was this "I figured I don't really know you and I dunt see a great future with us being together, However i still want to be friends) after that I tried to forget about her as though she never existed.. but somehow whenever I tried to just move on without her, she somehow shows up and hunts me down. this happened in more than 1 occasion (like all of a sudden she starts talking to me when she sees me talking with other girls) .in parties and so on. is there anyway that she'd change her mind and look at me again?... there are like 4 other women in my university that wouldn't reject me if I ask them out, but I just can't stop thinking about her,, please gimme your opinion about this and tell me if there is hope... my bd party was suppose to be last Friday and she couldn't come due to her studies I think.... so I postponed it to this week.. I made up an excuse so it wouldn't look like as i did it for her,, but we all know that's not true!!! so any how... I feel so down...

I love this girl.... I know that's a strong word...but right now I am in a situation where I am willing to do anything for this girl.....



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a lot of times people play the game where they pretend like they don't care and that they are doing good to get someone they want or to get someone back. Also, if she sees you with other chicks, she'll see you're kinda popular and other girls want you, and they may eventually make her want you too. It's all psychosomatic.


this doesn't mean that this applies to her, but it may.


g'luck with her though.

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I cant say that I have ever been in this situation before but I will do as best as I can to try to help you.


First of all, maybe you should just suggest that you go and do something as friends and see how it goes from there. If she says no to that then I would strongly suggest you move on.


If she sees you talking to other girls and that is the only time she talks to you then, introduce her to the other people and then continue talking to the other people. I would say that she is probably enjoying this little game of cat and mouse and that is probably all it is to her. Dont do anything special for her just pretend that you think of her as a friend and thats it, infact why dont you tell her that.


I hope you can sort this situation out, it doesnt sound like a good one. At the end of the day if you do love her and she doesnt love you, you still have to let it go. Goodluck, Raggamuffin x x x

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thank you... .so if you think there is hope left well that's great but if not..how do i move on...I have never felt like that about a girl, and I don't know how to handle this... logically my brain tells me you are so much more then this girl.. I mean I have done anything for her...and she just keeps ignoring me when I give her the most attention... I garantee no guy is going to give her this respect that I have for her. but my heart just can't let go.. there is this hope that she'll see this in me... I adore.. I'll make her the happiest girl, but she just doesn't see it. many guys now a days as you know just hook up with a girl.. have sex with her.. they have their fun and then dump her. She had never had a BF.. so she doesn't know the doesn't know how guys are, and just the though that she'll end up with a guy who just won't see how smart.. beautiful and down to earth she is, and he'll use her.. the thought just burns me.. but my friends all tell me maybe this is what it takes that she'll see the real you,,, I think about her every night.... wake up in the morning with one thing in my mind .. that may be just maybe she'll call and send me an email or something that she made a mistake..

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You feel all these for her yet she says she feels she doesn't know you. So I agree with raggamuffin that you should spend more time with her as a friend first. Since she has never had a bf before, maybe she doesn't know how to act around you.

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You say you love her? How much do you know about her? Don't confuse love with obsession. If I think about a girl 24/7, I'll "love" her too. And you say that she ignores you when you do all these things for her and she comes onto you when you talk to other girls? Well, start talking to other girls and make her come after you. Hanging as friends is a great way to get to know her better, but don't become one of her girlfriends.

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Been there, done that...



In order to get her, you must forget about her.


I know it might not sound correct, but it works. Tested by yours truly.


No phone calls. No conversations. If you see her, keep it to a minimum "hi, how's it going".


Now to the hard part.


You must continue life. Date other chicks. Party. Get in shape. Do what you love to do.


She will contact you. After that is done, ask her on a date IN PERSON, not through email. Go from there...

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thank you all and SkyFire... you seemed so sure about this.. that you cleared a few doubts in ma mind.. everyone keeps telling me this.. So I guess I have no choice to give this one a try.. but i think this one will take a while.. thanx alot all.. keep it coming!

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thank you all and SkyFire... you seemed so sure about this.. that you cleared a few doubts in ma mind.. everyone keeps telling me this.. So I guess I have no choice to give this one a try.. but i think this one will take a while.. thanx alot all.. keep it coming!


It will.


But, you will benefit greatly from it. Not only with the girl.

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well here is an update... she is probably going to come to my birthday party ( which I have postponed it because of her... well.. i don't think she knows that).. is this my window... or this is just a start so things might get better from here.. I am so anxious.. don't really know what should I do.. like should I talk to her in person?.... should I just not do anything and just have a good time...... ? start a conversation about anything.. dance with her????




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  • 4 weeks later...

ok.. she callled at 5:30 PM she said she had a headache.. I really don't know if that is another excuse or not.. I promised my self if she make up another excuse for not coming to my bd ( btw just to let you know.. I did went to her bd and bough her a pair of earings) I would erase her out of my memory like she has never existed and move the F*** on. A promis which I kept more or less.. I only messaged her once .. for valentines ... she messaged back... 2 days ago.. she messages me. saying the I see you online alot... then I made a joke (in persian) ,,, then she messages me again " YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MEAN!!!" then I messages her saying "you know I am just kidding" .. I was still alittle skeprical if she understood the joke... the I emailed again " you know I like you (rose)" she emailed me back: "yeah thanx I like you 2 ...

I think I should have left it there... I tried to not think about her so many times .. but she just keep coming back.. what do you think about all this?

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