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What is he doing?


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Okay the guy I actually am attracted to tends to ignore me most of the time and flirts with other girls in front of me. He'll buy me a drink, listen in on my conversations, look me in the eyes, yet flirt obnoxiously other girls. Does he want me to go away? Is he pissed because other guys are giving me attention so he's flirting to get back at me. WHAT????


Okay here's a more detailed explaination.

I went to the bar to see the band. He was working in the restaurant. His coworkers told him I was there and he came up to bar area. He then began flirting with a coworker, butt pats, various flirtatious type touching and ultimately he picked her up and like twirled her around! That is when I walked out and left.


During the time his stuff was happening. A guy from the band came down during break and was talking with me, semi flirting (arm touching), etc. There was also an older guy who bought me and a friend a drink, kept complimenting me, asked me to dance, etc. Then he got really bold which creaped me out, but I had to sober up before I could leave.


So that's why I wonder if he was just pissed and getting back at me, or if he really just wants me to go away.

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Regardless, if he was trying to make you jealous or not, it goes to show that his style is tasteless & disrespectful. I wouldn't even bother crushing over the guy any further, it sounds like you have no trouble attracting other men. Also would you want to crush over a guy who would treat you this way?

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I agree with Passions. Forget this guy. But, you never know... your ignoring him may just drive him wild. Pull back from him. He may shape up and start treating you better. Stop going to his work looking for him. See what happens. How he feels about you will be evident after you pull back.

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i think hes just pissed. thats how i get when im frustrated with a girl. for me its usually because she doesnt talk to me enough, i think shes paying more attention to other guys than me, or because she wont tell me exactly how she feels(this makes me confused).

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I agree with the others. If he does like you, he's going about it the wrong way. If he is only trying to make you jealous, then thats not cool and what does that show you about him? Say you both start dating and some guy talks to you, will he get jealous and start flirting with every girl like he does now? Seriously, thats not something you want to get involved with.


He's not very smart when it comes to getting girls. It does seem like he's trying to make you jealous and I'm sure the only reason would be because he likes you.


Obviously whatever you choose to do is your choice. If you do want to start something, show interest in him.

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Something most people might not notice on here, is that his flirting with other females in front of you actually makes you WANT him more.


You say that you're attracted to him, but are you giving the right signs to him? What type of body language are YOU displaying to him. Other people have put him down, but wrongfully so. As far as I know, you are not dating him exclusively, so he can do whatever he wants - he's still a free man.


You might as well not sit on the sidelines if you want to play. Learn how to flirt. You obviously like this guy (otherwise you would not have gotten angry and left after you saw him flirting with his co-workers), so it should be known to him that you are attracted to him as well. Something that's also equally important is that he's attracted to you.

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He has shown up at places when he knows I'll be there, actually sat down and told me a little about his family. Most of the time it's this game stuff, which I find really annoying. I think he's trying to be mysterious or something because I once said that mysterious guys intriqued me. I tried to back off and that's when he started appearing at places. I hate that I like him so much, but it could just be that he's made it such a challenge.

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Something most people might not notice on here, is that his flirting with other females in front of you actually makes you WANT him more.


You say that you're attracted to him, but are you giving the right signs to him? What type of body language are YOU displaying to him. Other people have put him down, but wrongfully so. As far as I know, you are not dating him exclusively, so he can do whatever he wants - he's still a free man.


You might as well not sit on the sidelines if you want to play. Learn how to flirt. You obviously like this guy (otherwise you would not have gotten angry and left after you saw him flirting with his co-workers), so it should be known to him that you are attracted to him as well. Something that's also equally important is that he's attracted to you.


Actually, my interest in a man falls if he is blatantly flirting with other girls in front of me. My view is, if you like me, make a move on me! Don't make a move on another girl in front of me! I won't fight for the attention of a man - why should I? Tons of other men who WILL give me their attention without stupid games.


It's true that she has some interest in him, maybe his flirting with other women has piqued her interest, but it also had the effect of her leaving the club. If this guy is interested, then driving her out of the club wasn't the way to go about it.

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You know Annie that's normally how I am too. Not sure what happened to me here, but you're right that he should be trying to impress me in some way. The reason I thought it might be jealousy related was that he sent me a drink right after another guy did. There are plenty of other places to sing karaoke, not as clean as that place but I need to step back.

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