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2 Questions (sexual)

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1) I don't like boyfriends. There are certain people that I have sex with, but no relationships. It seems lately that even though they are already getting sex, a couple of these guys want more. One tells me he loves me sometimes, has talked about me moving in with him...another admitted he likes me blah blah. What makes these guys want more? I don't understand it.


2)I've mentioned before that I've had sex but never an orgasm. Bc of the talent of some, (lol) I'm pretty sure that it must be my depression that keeps me from getting there, or something like that. A guy I fool around with wants me to orgasm. I tell him not to worry about it, and that I just focus on him having one. But he really wants me to have one. It puts pressure on me, and doesn't really help. What can I say? I've never had one, so it's too hard, don't try?





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1) The problem with having sex with guys you are just friends with is maybe they have feelings for you? Sometimes it just makes them like you more if you are doing things that boyfriend and girlfriends would be doing. They are being lead on in my opinion, if they do like you.


2) You won't have an orgasm i you feel pressured to. Cause then you are thinking about trying to have one rather than relaxing. Tell him that when he does that it puts pressure on you and makes it harder. He should understand. I mean, your having sex, I would hope you could talk to him about these things and he will be understanding.

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I can answer your first question, if it helps. As you know everyone isnt the same. It depends on experience. And by the looks of it you might have more than some people at your age. Now if you having sex with guys your age, then you better believe you might blow their minds away. making them want more sex or more from you itself. But if they are older, i wouldnt know what to tell you, are they older??? Or it could be something about you, you might just be the total package.

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Argh, your only fifteen and your having sex. I know that was your choice but think about this, if you could step out of your body while your having sex and look upon yourself while you and your partner were having sex would you keep doing it? I feel pitty you, you may never feel the unique feeling of being in love with one sol man.

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Ok, I think your problems come from one simple thing - you are treating sex as just something to do instead of looking at it's real significance. Sex shouldn't be a pasttime, it should be a special act between two people who love and care for each other. I know you probably don't want to hear this but I think this could solve your problems. The guys you are with are beginning to see that they want more than just sex. They want a real relationship with someone that cares about and loves them. Sex without love is just that, sex. But when you add the element of love, not simply lust, then you have a truly memorable and mindblowing experience. Without the love sex becomes routine and loses much of it's appeal. Plus, when you share yourself in such a private manner, it's natural to grow attached to the person, although you should be already. It's not surprising that they want more than just sex, and at some point you will feel the same way.


As for your second problem, the more pressure you put on yourself, generally the harder something is. Relax and enjoying yourself. And if you feel you are depressed, ask yourself what it is that you are depressed about? Could it be that you are not finding "fooling around" rewarding and this depression and lack of climax be a sign that you are not happy with your current lifestyle? At 15, this kind of lifestyle will lead you to trouble and unhappiness. I don't mean to lecture you, but please think about what you are doing.

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